YEAR 2 Blog Week 28

Year 2 Blog Week 27

We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!

Welcome back! It was wonderful to see all the beautiful Easter gardens at the start of the week. We have been celebrating the Risen Lord by creating symbols of new life and retelling the resurrection story according to the Gospel of St. Luke.

We have been looking at fractions of amounts in Maths.

Swimming is starting next week. Please find swimming letter in Home Learning packs. P.E. will take place on Thursdays. Please ensure P.E. kits are in school next week.

Home Learning: Maths – mixed problem worksheet. Spellings: Homophones.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Davey

Year 2 Blog Week 26

Please see Whole School Home Learning Easter Garden Project below.

Wishing you all a lovely holiday!

Miss Davey

Year 2 Blog Week 25

This week in Religion we have been learning about the Last Supper from the Gospel of St. Luke. The children created amazing 3D scenes of the last supper and used these scenes to retell the story.

In Maths, we have been learning about fractions. The children are very confident in finding the fraction of a shape. We will be looking at fractions of amounts next week.

Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed planting the onions and potatoes in the beautiful sunshine this week. We also planted a variety of seeds- including pumpkins, sunflowers and broad beans.

In Art we finished our printing project and put the finishing touches to our clay pots.

Home Learning: Reading comprehension and Mathletics.

Have a peaceful weekend and lovely Mothering Sunday.

Miss Davey

Year 2 Blog Week 24

Year 2 Blog Week 23

It has been a very busy week in Year 2! In Religion, we have been learning about the Stations of the Cross. The children focused on describing some of the stations and their stories. 

We have glazed our clay pots and we are looking forward to seeing the results of the firing next week! 

We celebrated British Science Week this week. The theme was ‘Journeys’ and we launched into this theme with THE BIG QUESTION- What will journeys be like in 25 years time? There was a lot of discussion and some very interesting answers. Year 2 delighted in making parachutes and testing their models. We finished the week with a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day celebration morning. It was lovely to see you all and thank you for coming and  sharing in our science activities. 


Home Learning: Mathletics – Time and KS1 SATs Grammar Test C.

Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh!                                                                  Wishing you all a happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Miss Davey




Year 2 Blog Week 22

It has been another fun-filled week of creative learning in Year 2. In Religion, we have been  focusing on our Lenten practices. Lent is a time when we pray, give up treats and do kind things for other people, as we prepare to celebrate the great feast of Easter. On Wednesday, KS1 came together for our Ash Wednesday Act of Worship to mark the start of Lent. In class, the children thought very carefully about their Lenten promises and placed them on the display in the hall during our whole school Lenten assembly.

In Maths, we have been concentrating on telling the time. We pretended to be clocks, turning clockwise and anti-clockwise. There were lots of hands turning … half turns, full turns, quarter turns. Everyone used great reasoning to prove their times. In English, we are enjoying reading The Adventures of the Dish and Spoon by Mini Grey. The children thought of lots of great questions to ask the characters in preparation for our character hot seating activity next week. 

The children brought their favourite characters to life this week as we celebrated World Book Day. All of the costumes were brilliant and it was wonderful to hear the children talking about their characters and books with such enthusiasm. Year 2 proudly showed off their costumes at a whole school assembly. Great fun was had by all! 

Home Learning: Maths worksheet mixed problems and Reading comprehension. World Book Day tokens placed safely in Home Learning packs.

Have a restful weekend!

Miss Davey

Year 2 Blog Week 21

Welcome back! This first week has flown by. There is no stopping the Year 2 crew! In Religion, we have been learning about Fairtrade and designing chocolate bar wrappers to encourage everyone to buy Fairtrade.

The children have been using their reasoning skills in Maths to spot errors in calculations. In English, we have been using our editing skills to self-correct and improve our instructions for travelling through fairyland. In art, we have started work on our coil clay pots. We are looking forward to glazing them next week.

Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed putting on their gardening gloves and going out to prepare our class gardens. The children worked hard turning the soil, weeding the beds and planting some bulbs. We are casting our votes to find out what we will grow this year. Rainbow chard? Pumpkins? Brussels Sprouts? Results in next week.

In Computing, the children have started work on a film project on the theme: Our Future Online. We are thinking about ways of making the internet a great and safe place. We discussed our eSafety rules for being safe on the internet. If we have a concern … Block … Eject …. Tell!


Next week: Thursday 7th March is World Book Day! I cannot wait to see all the different characters that will be waiting at the Year 2 door on Thursday morning.

Home Learning: Character profile. Write up a short description about your World Book Day character for Thursday. Don’t forget to bring your book with you.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Davey

Year 2 Blog Week 20

As part of our Other Faith Week 2019, Year 2 visited the local Oshwal, Jain Temple in Northaw. The children were very respectful inside temple and found out a lot about Jainism. Everyone was amazed to see the giant hand symbol, which means – Stop, No violence. Back at school, Year 2 used their computing skills to record and present everything they learnt about Jainism.


No Home Learning!!! Well done Year 2 for all your hard work this term!

Have a fun-filled mid-term break!

Miss Davey

Year 2 Blog Week 19

Year 2 have enjoyed a week of creative learning. In Religion, we have been looking at the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Through role play, Year 2 explored what happens during the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The children thought about times when they have wronged others and made cards to say sorry. 

In Maths, we focused on ‘Take one Calculation’. The children thought about the different strategies that can be applied to one calculation and the most efficient strategy for solving the calculation.

We celebrated Safer Internet Day 2019 on Tuesday. The children enjoyed  hearing the story #Goldilocks – A cautionary tale. We explored the idea of consent online and the children shared lots of great examples of how we ask, give and receive permission online. Everyone agreed that you must ask permission before taking someones photograph.

Home Learning: Apostrophes and commas. Mathletics: Year 2 Term 2 Reasoning Assessment. Review spellings Autumn 2 for ongoing assessment.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Davey