Year 2 Blog Week 19

Year 2 have enjoyed a week of creative learning. In Religion, we have been looking at the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Through role play, Year 2 explored what happens during the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The children thought about times when they have wronged others and made cards to say sorry. 

In Maths, we focused on ‘Take one Calculation’. The children thought about the different strategies that can be applied to one calculation and the most efficient strategy for solving the calculation.

We celebrated Safer Internet Day 2019 on Tuesday. The children enjoyed  hearing the story #Goldilocks – A cautionary tale. We explored the idea of consent online and the children shared lots of great examples of how we ask, give and receive permission online. Everyone agreed that you must ask permission before taking someones photograph.

Home Learning: Apostrophes and commas. Mathletics: Year 2 Term 2 Reasoning Assessment. Review spellings Autumn 2 for ongoing assessment.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Davey