Year 2 Blog Week 21
Welcome back! This first week has flown by. There is no stopping the Year 2 crew! In Religion, we have been learning about Fairtrade and designing chocolate bar wrappers to encourage everyone to buy Fairtrade.
The children have been using their reasoning skills in Maths to spot errors in calculations. In English, we have been using our editing skills to self-correct and improve our instructions for travelling through fairyland. In art, we have started work on our coil clay pots. We are looking forward to glazing them next week.
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed putting on their gardening gloves and going out to prepare our class gardens. The children worked hard turning the soil, weeding the beds and planting some bulbs. We are casting our votes to find out what we will grow this year. Rainbow chard? Pumpkins? Brussels Sprouts? Results in next week.
In Computing, the children have started work on a film project on the theme: Our Future Online. We are thinking about ways of making the internet a great and safe place. We discussed our eSafety rules for being safe on the internet. If we have a concern … Block … Eject …. Tell!
Next week: Thursday 7th March is World Book Day! I cannot wait to see all the different characters that will be waiting at the Year 2 door on Thursday morning.
Home Learning: Character profile. Write up a short description about your World Book Day character for Thursday. Don’t forget to bring your book with you.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Davey