Reception Class Week Beginning 13.9.21

Welcome to Reception Class!

It has been wonderful getting to know our  new children and families this week. We welcome:

Josie, Isabelle, Abigail, Lorena, Camden, Cian, Gabriel, Arbi, Daniella, Andriana, Sophia, Brooke, Ava, Rocco, Ella, Aurora, Emily, Ruben, Rebecca, Kuzey and Amelie.

The children have had a fantastic first full week! We cannot believe how quickly they have settled into our Pope Paul community; it feels as if they have always been with us! They have already shown signs of being fantastic learners too, demonstrating wonderful listening, attention and response during whole class carpet sessions!

The class have been very busy getting to know each other and have enjoyed exploring the indoor and outdoor learning environments together. Today Reception went a little further and visited the International Garden and then the Peace Garden, where they had a special story time.

Next week, we will be thinking about our families. Please send in a single photo of your family in an envelope. This will be displayed in the classroom and used during our RE lesson the following week. Thank you!

Sadly we are unable to upload photos of the children to the blog until all of the children’s data and parental permissions have been sent into the school office. If you haven’t done this yet, please send in your form as soon as possible, in order for us to include photos in next week’s blog. Thank you.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

The Early Years Team

Reception Week Beginning 12.7.21

Reception have spent most of their last full week learning outdoors in their beautiful garden area. The children are so blessed to have this wonderful space to explore and learn in all year round and on hot days like today, the natural canopies offer lots of much needed shade.

Today, the children experienced sitting in the hall for the very first time, when they watched their Year 6 partners perform their end of year show ‘High School Musical’. What a wonderful treat! The class thought that the Year 6 children were absolutely fantastic! It was hard to believe that it was Reception’s first time sitting as an audience; they were respectful, sat beautifully the whole time and focussed on the play from start to end!

This afternoon, the class met up with their reading partners and shared books. The children will be meeting up one last time on Monday afternoon, where they will exchange the cards and gifts that they have made in class.

Thank you so much for your overwhelming generosity. It has been a rollercoaster of a year but made all the easier by your parental support which has been so very much appreciated!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend in the sunshine,

The Reception Team


Reception Week Beginning 5.7.21

This has been a wonderful week of fun and excitement!

Over the course of the week, the children have participated in their first ever Sports Day, been on a bouncy castle, raced go karts, met up with their Year 6 reading partners, had a glittery tattoo painted on their hands, watched a magic show, met their new class teacher and made England flags! No wonder they are all so exhausted!

Please see the newsletter about the optional later start time on Monday morning for those families watching the football on Sunday evening- Come on England!!!

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team


Reception Week Beginning 28.6.21

We started the week on Monday by saying goodbye to our beautiful butterflies…

Following on from the children’s interest in snails last week, Reception decided to spend the week learning more about them. The class did lots of research and found out lots of new facts.

We found out:

  • Most snails live from 2 to 5 years, but in captivity, some have exceeded 10 or 15 years of age.
  • The mucus of the garden snail is used to treat wrinkles, spots, and scars on the skin.
  • Snails do not change shells when they grow up. Instead, the shell grows along with them.
  • The size of the shell of a snail reflects its age.
  • Snails can see but can’t hear.
  • Snails are nocturnal.

The children have continued to develop Snail World- today we counted over 25 snails living happily on there!

In English, the class have enjoyed listening to the story of The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. The children all thought and wrote about where they would like to go, if they were on the tail of a humpback whale!

In Maths, the children have been exploring and representing patterns with numbers up to ten and thinking about how quantities can be distributed equally. Reception class had fun relating this to the story Mr Gumpy’s Outing; a story about a man named Mr Gumpy who went out in his boat on the river and all the animals he met wanted to come too. Due to the unequal distribution of people and animals, the story ends disastrously with everyone falling in the river!!

Reception class re-enacted the story and worked out what Mr Gumpy should have done to avoid the boat tipping over. The teachers were very impressed by their problem solving and how they all worked together. Following this, the children were challenged to make their own boat from tin foil and then see how many marbles it could carry without sinking. The children had lots of fun doing this activity and many went on to make more boats from different materials and test these too!

On Wednesday Reception have their very first Sports Day. Please ensure that they are wearing trainers or plimsols, have a water bottle, hat and are wearing sun cream.  Please note, the children just need to come in their usual Reception uniform and will be given a coloured team band when competing.

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team

Reception Week Beginning 21.6.21

Superworm is super-long.

Superworm is super-strong

Watch him wiggle! See him squirm!

Hip, hip, hooray for SUPERWORM!

This week, Reception have been learning about worms and what better book focus to have than Julia Donaldson’s Superworm! The children have been very busy creating plans to rescue Superworm from the evil clutches of Wizard Lizard and making traps to catch the villain and put an end to his menacing ways. Reception also had fun thinking about other things Superworm could do with his long stretchy body.

Throughout the week, the class have also been finding out facts about worms. Did you know that a worm has tiny hairs that they use to pull themselves through the soil? The children have been busy writing interesting questions about worms and also sharing what they know already. All this information came in handy on Wednesday when the class finally got to make their own wormeries. These will be coming home on Monday; please don’t put the lids back on the boxes otherwise they won’t be able to breathe. Thank you for supplying your child with a box this week. Thank you also to the parents who were able to send in some tights; the children had lots of fun turning them into super worms!

The children have continued their obsession with snails this week;  it has been perfect snail finding weather! They have now made a little snail world in one of the Tufty trays in the Reception garden- come and have a look!

On Thursday, the butterflies finally emerged! They will need a few days in their enclosure and will be released on Monday.

Thank you to all of the parents who helped Reception Class participate in today’s Blessed Sacrament Procession with the rest of the school. The children were absolutely fantastic- so reverent and respectful. The adults were so proud of them. What wonderful ambassadors for our school!

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team



Reception Week Beginning 18.6.21

This week has absolutely flown by; a little bit like the main character in our focus story, The Bad-Tempered Ladybird!

This story centres on a bad-tempered ladybird who picks fights with every animal that it meets, but who eventually learns the importance of friends. In English, the class  found out lots of alternative words to ‘bad-tempered’ and came up with a long list: cranky, moody, miserable, cross, angry, mad, fed up, stroppy, moany. They also thought about what makes them feel bad-tempered and what helps to make them feel happy again.

It has been so wonderful to spend the days outside in the Reception garden. The children have had lots of fun finding ways to keep themselves cool too! They have also been keeping a close eye on the caterpillars, who since last week have all spun themselves a chrysalis and are very busy changing into butterflies! The caterpillars/butterflies have also all been given names and the children can’t wait to see them emerge next week.

In RE, the children have been learning about the story of The Good Samaritan. To bring the story to life, they acted it out in small groups, before sharing their drama skills with the rest of the class.

In Maths, Reception have been learning how to double numbers and have participated in lots of practical activities. They also made watches and clocks inspired by the clock in the The Bad-Tempered Ladybird book.

Well done children, for the wonderful European flags you made last weekend. They look beautiful displayed around the classroom.

Next week, we will be learning about worms and other creatures that live under the ground. If possible, could you please provide your child with a spare transparent container, for them to make a mini wormery. Also, if you have some old tan tights that you no longer need, please send these in too.

Thank you!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team

Reception Week Beginning 7.6.21

Welcome back!

I hope you all had a wonderful half term break. The children were very excited to be back on Monday morning, full of lovely stories about their experiences over the week!

This week, the learning focus has been about the life cycle of butterflies and the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The children have shown such a strong interest in the mini beasts outside recently and so were very quickly captivated by this mini topic. To bring the learning to life, Reception took delivery of some tiny caterpillars on Monday. The class have been observing them daily and noticing the changes; it has been incredible to see how quickly they have grown already! The children are really looking forward to watching them transform into butterflies and have been using their scientific skills to make predictions about size and colour.

On Wednesday another exciting thing happened! As part of their transition program, Reception ate their lunch in the dining hall for the first time, just like the rest of the school! As they are all going into Year 1 soon, it is really important that they become familiar with the different staff, routines and rooms around the school. The class had a practise in the morning and learnt where to sit, when to go to the serving hatch and what to do when they have finished eating and so they all knew exactly what they needed to do at lunchtime. They were absolutely brilliant!

This afternoon for fun, every child was given a random country to support during the upcoming Euro football tournament. The country name is in their school bag. If possible, please can they make a flag of their given country and bring it into school at the start of next week. Thank you!

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team


Reception Week beginning 24.5.21

‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit’ 


This week, Reception became closer to God, by taking part in Spirituality Week, along with the rest of the school. The week’s activities had the overarching theme of ‘God of Hope’. 

On Monday, the children made ‘Butterflies of Hope’ for their Year 6 prayer partners. These were exchanged later on in the week, when they spent some time sharing them with each other in the peace garden.

The children also created some art work symbolising ‘hope‘, for our church community; these will be given to Father Shaun to share.

On Thursday, the children were given the opportunity to reflect on ‘The God of Hope’ by participating in the prayer stations, set up and led by our wonderful Year 6. The class absolutely loved the experience!

This week, Reception also had an exciting problem to solve. Some large empty eggs had been found on the field by Mrs Lennox, yesterday morning! The children were invited to write down where they thought the eggs had come from and predict what had been inside! Maybe you saw them outside the Year One classroom today at home time. What do you think?

The school is completing 30 days of wildness, so we can appreciate the nature around us.

Each day in June the children will complete a different activity. If possible, please try to do the first six activities in the half term and bring a photo of one of the activities to school.

1st June – Feel the wild between your toes – squelch your toes in sand, grass or mud.

2nd June – Look up at the clouds – What shapes can you see?

3rd June – Find a creepy crawly, be gentle and observe the way it moves.

4th June – Thread a daisy chain

5th June – Make a nature table, collect wild treasures like feathers, fossils or bones.

6th June – Have lunch in the wild.

Have a wonderful, sunny week!

The Reception Team

Reception Week Beginning 17.5.21

If you’re in trouble, then look no further…. call the Reception team of superheroes!!!

This week, Reception have been having lots of fun pretending to be superheroes. They each created their own superhero name and wrote about what their special superhero power is. They then acted out their character in the new superhero headquarters! The children have enjoyed listening to superhero stories this week, these include: Traction Man, Supertato, Charlie’s Superhero Underpants and Zippo the Super Hippo.

Next week, Reception will be focussing on real life superheroes.

In Religion this week, the children learnt about Pentecost.

They looked at different paintings depicting the story and then created their own pictures. The children also made Pentecost kites which they flew outside in the wind!

In Maths, the children have been focussing on addition, and have made up their own addition stories using the language ‘first, then, now’ to retell them.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,


The Reception Team

Reception Week Beginning 10.5.21

This has quite possibly been the most exciting week in Reception EVER!!

The children came into school on Monday and discovered something shocking- the dinosaur egg that they had been looking after for the Natural History Museum was on the floor cracked wide open…..with no dinosaur inside!! The area was sealed off to preserve the scene and after listing what needed to be done, a full investigation undertaken by the children began to take place.



On Tuesday, Reception were told by the police, that a passing motorist on the M25 had spotted the dinosaur on the farmer’s field next to the school. The children went about making warning posters for the walkers regularly seen on the field. At this point, the children didn’t know whether they were dealing with a herbivore or a carnivore and so they were a little worried about the safety of the dogs and other small animals. In the afternoon, the class went for a walk on the field to put up their posters and to see if they could spot the dinosaur. At one point during the walk, Archie definitely spotted it up by the pond, but by the time the class got there, it had disappeared again!

For the next couple of days, it all went quiet. No sightings at all. The police as always, were working quietly in the background trying to locate the dinosaur. The class had just about given up hope, when on Friday morning, Mrs Heymoz excitedly burst into the classroom to tell everyone that the police had found the dinosaur and that it had actually been discovered by the police team that Lucas’s dad worked with! The children were ecstatic!

On Friday afternoon, a very special visitor then dropped by- it was Lucas’s dad. He rode his police motorbike into the outside area and told the children how they had caught the dinosaur and what has happened to it since. Everyone was allowed to sit on his motorbike and they all enjoyed looking at the flashing blue lights and listening to the really loud siren.

What a fantastic end to an exciting week!

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team