Reception Week beginning 24.5.21
‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit’
This week, Reception became closer to God, by taking part in Spirituality Week, along with the rest of the school. The week’s activities had the overarching theme of ‘God of Hope’.
On Monday, the children made ‘Butterflies of Hope’ for their Year 6 prayer partners. These were exchanged later on in the week, when they spent some time sharing them with each other in the peace garden.
The children also created some art work symbolising ‘hope‘, for our church community; these will be given to Father Shaun to share.
On Thursday, the children were given the opportunity to reflect on ‘The God of Hope’ by participating in the prayer stations, set up and led by our wonderful Year 6. The class absolutely loved the experience!
This week, Reception also had an exciting problem to solve. Some large empty eggs had been found on the field by Mrs Lennox, yesterday morning! The children were invited to write down where they thought the eggs had come from and predict what had been inside! Maybe you saw them outside the Year One classroom today at home time. What do you think?
The school is completing 30 days of wildness, so we can appreciate the nature around us.
Each day in June the children will complete a different activity. If possible, please try to do the first six activities in the half term and bring a photo of one of the activities to school.
1st June – Feel the wild between your toes – squelch your toes in sand, grass or mud.
2nd June – Look up at the clouds – What shapes can you see?
3rd June – Find a creepy crawly, be gentle and observe the way it moves.
4th June – Thread a daisy chain
5th June – Make a nature table, collect wild treasures like feathers, fossils or bones.
6th June – Have lunch in the wild.
Have a wonderful, sunny week!
The Reception Team