Reception Week Beginning 10.5.21
This has quite possibly been the most exciting week in Reception EVER!!
The children came into school on Monday and discovered something shocking- the dinosaur egg that they had been looking after for the Natural History Museum was on the floor cracked wide open…..with no dinosaur inside!! The area was sealed off to preserve the scene and after listing what needed to be done, a full investigation undertaken by the children began to take place.
On Tuesday, Reception were told by the police, that a passing motorist on the M25 had spotted the dinosaur on the farmer’s field next to the school. The children went about making warning posters for the walkers regularly seen on the field. At this point, the children didn’t know whether they were dealing with a herbivore or a carnivore and so they were a little worried about the safety of the dogs and other small animals. In the afternoon, the class went for a walk on the field to put up their posters and to see if they could spot the dinosaur. At one point during the walk, Archie definitely spotted it up by the pond, but by the time the class got there, it had disappeared again!
For the next couple of days, it all went quiet. No sightings at all. The police as always, were working quietly in the background trying to locate the dinosaur. The class had just about given up hope, when on Friday morning, Mrs Heymoz excitedly burst into the classroom to tell everyone that the police had found the dinosaur and that it had actually been discovered by the police team that Lucas’s dad worked with! The children were ecstatic!
On Friday afternoon, a very special visitor then dropped by- it was Lucas’s dad. He rode his police motorbike into the outside area and told the children how they had caught the dinosaur and what has happened to it since. Everyone was allowed to sit on his motorbike and they all enjoyed looking at the flashing blue lights and listening to the really loud siren.
What a fantastic end to an exciting week!
Have a lovely weekend,
The Reception Team