Reception Week Beginning 18.6.21

This week has absolutely flown by; a little bit like the main character in our focus story, The Bad-Tempered Ladybird!

This story centres on a bad-tempered ladybird who picks fights with every animal that it meets, but who eventually learns the importance of friends. In English, the class  found out lots of alternative words to ‘bad-tempered’ and came up with a long list: cranky, moody, miserable, cross, angry, mad, fed up, stroppy, moany. They also thought about what makes them feel bad-tempered and what helps to make them feel happy again.

It has been so wonderful to spend the days outside in the Reception garden. The children have had lots of fun finding ways to keep themselves cool too! They have also been keeping a close eye on the caterpillars, who since last week have all spun themselves a chrysalis and are very busy changing into butterflies! The caterpillars/butterflies have also all been given names and the children can’t wait to see them emerge next week.

In RE, the children have been learning about the story of The Good Samaritan. To bring the story to life, they acted it out in small groups, before sharing their drama skills with the rest of the class.

In Maths, Reception have been learning how to double numbers and have participated in lots of practical activities. They also made watches and clocks inspired by the clock in the The Bad-Tempered Ladybird book.

Well done children, for the wonderful European flags you made last weekend. They look beautiful displayed around the classroom.

Next week, we will be learning about worms and other creatures that live under the ground. If possible, could you please provide your child with a spare transparent container, for them to make a mini wormery. Also, if you have some old tan tights that you no longer need, please send these in too.

Thank you!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team