Autumn 2 Week 2

In Maths, we have continued learning different strategies to add. The children have been applying Think 10 and Think 100 to solve problems. Practise number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 to support the children’s learning further.

We read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. The children acted out a scene then they retold it as a news reporter using prepositions and conjunctions. The children used the text to write direct speech and applied their knowledge of adding inverted commas.

In History, the children have been learning about Stone Age houses and how they were built then compared them with houses today.

In a few weeks we will be celebrating Advent, the children have been learning about the signs and symbols of Advent. They will be observing the changing in the church, school and at home during this special season. This week four children planned and led a Liturgical Prayer. They chose the activities, prayers and resources and set up an altar in the middle of the circle. Well done Oliver, Emilia, Leo B and Connor!

On Friday, we observed two minutes of silence for Armistice Day. Then we went on a pilgrimage around the classrooms to see the beautiful displays of poppies and photos of people we want to remember. Well done to all the children who made amazing poppies for our class.

Home Learning

Maths Complete Mathletics activities

Hit the Button – Practise number bonds to 10, 20 and 100


Spellings Practise spellings and activities on spelling shed

misbehave, mislead, misspell, mistake, misplace, misread, mistrust, misunderstanding, misuse, mislaid


Religion Complete the family tree sheet



Have a lovely weekend


Mrs Carey