Friday, 11 th November 2022

This week, the children in Year 4 first planned, then wrote their big Roman themed narrative across 7 paragraphs using writing tools such as similes, metaphors, expanded noun phrases and subordinating conjunctions.

In Maths, the children applied their understanding of column addition with regrouping when playing a competitive game using playing cards.

In Science, they looked at a problem solving enquiry using their understanding of distance and volume to plan fire alarms across the school whilst in RE, they looked at Matthew’s Gospel and the Jesse Tree to explain the significance of Jesus’ genealogy.

On Wednesday, they created their final art piece of their unit of pattern making, using all skills taught this term.

On Thursday, the class also performed in their first Assembly on Remembrance. Well done for the lovely reading and singing.

Friday completed the week with a 2 minutes silence at 11 o’clock followed by a procession across the school to celebrate Remembrance Day.

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 15th November 2022

Please log onto your Edshed account and complete the assignment.

Words with the -ous ending (set 2)


Please log onto ReadTheory and complete 2 activities or alternatively complete the attached assignment.




Please log onto your TTRockstars account and spend 20 minutes practicing your facts.

Congratulations to Aanay and Finn McBrearty who are still at the top of our Leaderboard.

Study Ladder

Please log onto your account and complete the activities in the assigned pod. 2 activities are centred around conjunctions, our whole class English target, and 2  consolidating addition.