Year 6 – Tuesday 19th May learning
Good morning, Year 6 😊
Here is Jude performing yesterday’s magic trick science experiment!
Now here’s your learning for today:
19/05/20 | |
Subject | Activity |
Prayer | Visit today’s blog for Spirituality Week and take part in the beautiful Prayer Stations led by our House Captains. |
PE | Stretch and relax your body with a short yoga flow this morning, set to the story of Roald Dahl’s The Twits! |
Handwriting | Copy these sentences containing this week’s spellings 1-5 into your handwriting book:
1.               Cupping his hands and taking a deep breath, he bellowed across the playground. 2.               The van screeched to a halt; the criminals jumped out. 3.               Natasha’s eyes widened and she squealed playfully. 4.               The family shrieked in horror: the monsters were at their front door. 5.               Just as he was about to give up trying, the phone squawked to life. |
Reading | 15 minutes of |
English | Click here to open today’s English activities.
This powerpoint will help you. |
Times Tables | |
Maths | WALT calculate angles in regular polygons.
This is today’s video:
Art | WALT use shading to create depth.
 Put last week’s shading skills to use by drawing spheres. How 3D can you make yours look? |
Music | WALT create a soundscape.
 Go for a walk and sit in your garden for a while. Make a list of the different sounds you can hear outside. How would you describe each sound? Were they long? High? Low? Quiet? Rustling? Surprising?
Choose 2 sounds that you heard and find a way of representing using your voice or objects you have around the house. Think carefully about what sort of instrumental/vocal sound or combination of sounds is best for what you are describing.
Finally, perform your soundscape to a member of your family. Can they guess what sounds you’re trying to recreate? |