Year 1 first week of term
Week 1 w/b 06.09.2021
First day
Year 1 have had a lovely start to the new school year and have been so excited to share all our news with our friends again. We went to our first ever school assembly where we were presented with our prayer cloth and candle which we used to dress our prayer table and reflection space in class. We have been enjoying the peaceful class worships in the mornings of our first week with our new candle. We had special prayer stones that we used to make prayer promises to our class before presenting the stone into our basket. We promised to be kind, caring, loving towards everyone and to treat others how we wish to be treated.
First Week of Year 1
Our second ever whole school assembly on Monday introduced us to Pope Paul’s ‘Year of Growth’. It made us think how we could design and make a tree display in our class that would grow throughout the year just like us.
Year 1 had an amazing day for Mary’s Birthday on Wednesday. I was very impressed with how the children worked together to share their knowledge when explore our big question ‘Who is Mary?’ Our cards tried to blow away in the wind, but we managed to display them before they tangled too much. Keep an eye out and Church this weekend and see if you can spot our birthday cards.
As we continue with our transition from Reception to Year 1 we have been focusing on our thoughts and feelings through ‘The Colour Monster’ story and looked so relaxed during our deep breathing exercise as we tried to understand the feeling of ‘calm’. The children created the features of a front cover and designed their own in our first English lesson. You can listen to the story from home here
Year 1 are exploring common 2Dshapes in their first math topic and worked amazingly in groups to fix a 2D shape puzzle problem. We will be learning all about 3D shapes next week.
Our PE days are Wednesdays (Football on the field) and Thursdays (movement skills on the field, playground, or hall if weather permits.) Children should wear their full Pope Paul PE kits to school on those days, including sweatshirts rather than school jumpers or cardigans for colder weather. We loved our first football lesson with coach Joe on Wednesday and enjoyed learning four new warm up games for future P.E. lessons.
Home learning
We will continue to assess the children in phonics and reading over the next two weeks before sending reading books home. This will ensure that we are accurately sending books with sounds in that the children can read and enjoy with you at home. In the meantime, you may continue to use the online eBook service via Collins that you used in Reception. Please use the texts from Reception that are on the eBook bookshelf. Children logins are the same as last year and can be found on each child’s Google Classroom if you are unsure. Home learning will be sent home from next Friday and every Friday thereafter and is due the following Wednesdays. More details will be shared next Thursday 16th September for Year 1 Meet the Teacher meeting at 2:30pm in the school hall.
Please ensure that all belongings are named clearly. I have one size 26 cardigan left from Tuesday and I know some parents have said that they are missing some items. Please check the school bags to make sure that nothing belonging to someone else has accidentally been taken home. Children need a water bottle and hat in school everyday as the weather is still unpredictable.
Have a safe and happy weekend,
Miss Lambie