Week 4
Another week of lots of fun and learning in Reception!
Our focus this week was growing up from a baby to an adult and birthdays. We are very lucky to have two babies in our class family. Evelyn, Michael’s sister came to visit on Tuesday and Oliver, Freya’s brother came to visit on Thursday. The children asked lots of questions, for example What do they eat? Where do they sleep? Why do they cry? Then we sang Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star to the babies. After their visits, the children made a shopping list of what babies need and labelled their pictures with the words including the sounds they have learnt. We have made party lists, party hats, made cakes with playdough and paintings and made invitations for our learning about birthdays. The children have been wrapping boxes for presents, demonstrating excellent joining skills. Then they have been writing labels for their presents. These skills will be useful when they are wrapping Christmas presents at home! Outside, we made drinks for a birthday party. Then we ended the week with some party games, their dancing was amazing!
This week the children have learnt the sounds i, n, m and d. Each day we revisit the sounds that we have already learnt and we are beginning to blend the sounds to read words. For example, sat, mat, tap, sit and dad. The children are practising the formation of the sounds by saying the rhymes. Thank you for your support with their home learning.
In Maths, we have been learning about numbers 1,2 and 3. We found 1 of lots of items in the class and we practised writing the number 1. Then we found 1 a partner to make 2 and the children played games rolling the dice labelled 1 and 2. The children made numbers using different materials. On Thursday we learnt about the number 3 and made the number using pom poms. We played lots of games where we counted objects and identified the numbers.
In Religion, we learnt about the Bible and how special it is. The children passed the Bible around, making sure they treated it with love and care. We listened to a story from the Bible about Jesus healing people with his hands. We thought about how we can be kind and caring with our hands just like Jesus. Then we all reflected on how special we all are to God.
The highlight of the week was meeting their Year 6 Reading partners! Every Friday, the children spend time reading and talking to their reading partners.
We have two jumpers aged 5-6 without a name on. If you have lost a jumper, please let us know.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team