Friday, 22nd September 2023
The children in Year 4 consolidated their understanding of Place value and looked at various ways to practice their multiplication facts. In English, they have written diary entries from a new character’s point of view recalling key events from our class book, The Spider and the Fly before revising speech punctuation as their grammar focus. In Art, the class practiced mark making as part of their new drawing unit, whilst in RE, they learnt about ways of welcoming as a lead up for their later learning about the Sacraments of Initiation. We also started practicing for our assembly centered around the life and work of St Vincent de Paul. In Science, the children reconstructed the entire digestive system consolidating their understanding of the role of each basic part and in Computing, they looked at network switches and their role to keep networks safe.
This afternoon, the children were treated to Alice in Wonderland by a marvellous theatre company…Year 4 were glued to the set!
The class assembly is next week :Thursday, 28th September 2023. All parents are welcome!
I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Ms Varga
Home Learning | Due back on Tuesday, 26th September 2023 |
Spelling | Words with the prefix ‘in-‘ meaning ‘not’
Please log onto your EdShed account and practice this week’s spelling words. |
Reading |
Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 tasks or alternatively open the links to a reading comprehension task: |
Multiplication |
Please spend 15-20 mins practising your mixed multiplication facts.
Study Ladder |
Please complete the activities in your assigned pod, focusing of multiplication facts and place value (comparing 4 and 5 digit numbers) |