Celebration blog, Friday 10th July 2020
Dear Year 4,
The week has flown by and judging by all emails you have been sending in, you are looking forward to your transition meeting today with Mrs Lines.
Thank you to all those who have emailed us and kept us up to date on what they have been up to!
William P has been busy doing his Maths work and enjoying the work on weight and mass.
Darcie and her family have been busy baking cakes each week and this is this week’s delight!
The crossword work yesterday went down well…some tricky but well worth the hard work.
Ellie drew a strange creature. The strange creature is called….. New Wang Yang Yang (Chinese name!)
In Read Theory we have three clear winners for this week:
1st Child P, 2nd Child Lil and Child M and 3rd Child Mis.
Mathletic Winners for this week: Ellie has achieved Gold and Silver Awards this week and Lola achieved Bronze. Well done!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend….the sun will be shining!
Mrs McNamara and Mrs McNamara
PE | Click here for your Active July worksheet. How many gold levels are you up to?
If you enjoy the Joe Wicks workout, please continue to have fun with his daily activities. |
Morning Prayer
Find a quiet place to sit and reflect…
Peace on Earth Oh divine Master, grant that I may not be so much seek to be consoled as o console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; and it is in pardoning that we are pardoned. Amen |
Read Theory
Reading Log |
For as long as schools are closed, audible books are open. Right now, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across eight different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.
Spelling | https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/48/30-Word-list-years-3-and-4—i-to-ma-Word list:
imagine increase important interest island knowledge learn length library
Dictation: Ask an adult or older sibling to read the following sentences to you. The word is imagine. I can’t imagine what he was thinking when he painted the door red. The word is increase. I want to increase my vocabulary. The word is important. Doing her job well is important to her The word is interest. He expressed an interest in learning more about drawing. The word is island. It was a small island, and there was no one living on it. The word is knowledge. She gained a lot of knowledge by reading books. The word is learn. Tom is going to learn how to play the guitar. The word is length. The carpenter measured the length of the wood. The word is library. I study in the library every Wednesday. The word is material. She collected a handful of the material. |
Maths |
Log onto you Mathletics account. There are activities assigned for you to complete.
English | Grammar Task: Click the picture to take you to the online activity.
Complete the Skills Builders Year 4 Activity Five
Year 4 – 12 bits of fun for reading and writing! Every Friday, we have been asking you to choose an activity from the choices on this attachment. Click here!! These activities could be completed with a book you have read in school/know, a book you are reading now or a book online. Some of them you might have to do a bit more research. You can do them in any order. On the way you can collect points for prizes! Have fun!
Wider curriculum | For this week, your afternoon learning features activities to celebrate the year you’ve had and to ease your transition to your new year group in September. Each day, there is an activity for KS1 and KS2 that focuses on a different aspect of the transition process.Click here for your activities
http://nowpressplay.co.uk/learn-at-home/#Instructions If you have enjoyed this resource, feel free to do some of the history activities. Let us know, how you got on. |