Spring 2 Week 3

Our week began with a visit to Church, where we prayed The Stations of the Cross. The children were very respectful and wrote some wonderful reflections in their RE books in class. We are praying The Stations in class together too – please see the photograph below of our RE board.

We were also visited by Mr Friedlander, who teaches science at Dame Alice Owens school, on Wednesday. During his visit the class were challenged to budget, build and test a parachute and capsule that would protect an egg from cracking, when dropped from a height. The children worked brilliantly in teams and learnt a lot about gravity.

It was lovely to see so many of you at the St.Patrick’s Day assembly and celebration morning, I’m sure you’ll agree that the children read, acted and sung beautifully. Well done year 3.

Home Learning:

Spelling –

interest, island, learn, perhaps, popular, quarter, question, reign, remember, straight, strange, promise.

Spag.com activities have been set and please practice the 3, 4 and 8 time tables. 

Miss Pringle