Reception Autumn 2 Week 7

Reception finished their first term at Pope Paul with an exciting week of Christmas activities!

They went to a pantomime, had Christmas dinner together wearing their Christmas party hats, shared their talents by auditioning for Pope Paul School’s Got Talent and had fun in a class disco. They ended this fun-filled week with a very special Christmas assembly.

Mrs Gymer and I would once again like to thank you for your generosity and support.

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas,

Mrs Theo

Reception- Autumn 2 Week 6

I am sure you will all agree that Reception were absolutely fantastic in their class Nativity on Tuesday! Their teachers are very proud of them all. They spoke their lines clearly, acted and sang beautifully and were so confident! Thank you for supporting them and thank you also to Year 6 who got them changed and ready for their performance.

On Tuesday afternoon, it was Reception’s turn to be the audience when they were treated to the KS1 production- I’m Gonna Shine! The children thought it was brilliant.

In class this week, the children have been focussing on the story of the first Christmas. They have enjoyed role playing and sequencing the story, creating their own Nativity scenes from a range of materials and writing their own versions of the story.

Finally today, Reception had fun continuing to develop their gymnastics skills in PE, by using the large apparatus.

Please note, next week their will be no drop-in reading sessions due to Pope Paul’s Got Talent that afternoon.

The Reception Team would also like to thank you all for your kind generosity.

Have a wonderful weekend!



Reception Class- Autumn 2 Week 5

It’s been a very busy week rehearsing for next week’s Nativity performance. Thank you for providing your children with their base layers. Reception had a full dress rehearsal on Thursday, in front of Year One, Year Six and their siblings and they did really well. The children are now really looking forward to performing for you on Tuesday morning!

This week, the class have continued to explore and become familiar with Advent. They have been learning about the symbolism of the Advent wreath and the meaning of each candle. The children went on to create a large class wreath and made observational drawings of the school Advent wreath.

The whole school have been invited to enter a national art competition.  They were asked to create paintings about the Nativity. Here are some of our outstanding entries!

Finally, this afternoon we had two special visitors- Mrs Conyers and Mrs Turner from St John’s Nursery popped in to say hello to Reception. They were delighted by the children’s singing and acting, as they rehearsed the final part of the Nativity.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer


Reception Class-Autumn Term 2 Week 3

Reception have been very busy participating in National Nursery Rhyme Week, this week. They enjoyed focussing their learning around the rhymes ‘Doctor Foster Went to Gloucester’, ‘Down in the Jungle’ and ‘Two Little Dickie Birds’.

Nativity production preparations are now well underway and the children are already impressing us with their singing and acting. On Tuesday, the children nominated themselves for the roles that they would like to perform. The school provide the actual costumes, but we will be asking families to provide base layers soon. Please look out for a letter outlining what your child will need; it will be in the book bag later on in the week.

In RE this week, the children have been learning about Advent. They made Advent promises and recorded them on some special paper. These promises will be used as part of the whole class Advent calendar display above our prayer table.

The children also made some crowns to wear to the whole school assembly on Friday to celebrate the feast of Christ the King, the final Sunday of Ordinary Time before Advent begins. Fr Shaun was so impressed with them, that he has asked the children to wear them to mass on Sunday! It was also a very special assembly as the school celebrated Fr Shaun’s silver jubilee. We are very lucky to have such a special priest who continually helps us to grow closer to God.

Reception finished the week with a very special Act of Worship with their Year 6 learning partners . Thank you to Owen, Sofia, Matthew and Mia who led the class in prayer so beautifully.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer


Reception Class- Autumn Term 2 Week 2

Reception class started the week  participating in a two minute silence at 11 o’clock, to commemorate Remembrance Day. The children have also been thinking about the friends and family that they have lost and have been praying for them every day during special prayer time.

This week has also been Anti-bullying week. The children have focussed lots of their learning around the story ‘The Rainbow Fish’, which is a book about making friends. The children have been discussing what they think makes a good friend and what to do if someone is being unkind to them or others. They also made cards and friendship bracelets and gave them to each other.

In RE, Reception have started the new unit ‘From Advent to Christmas’. The children have been thinking about all of things that you need to do and the things that you need to get in place, when you are preparing for the birth of a baby. The class were lucky to be joined by our very own Ms Varga who is also expecting a baby very soon. She told us everything that she has been doing in preparation for this wonderful event and answered lots of questions from the children. The children have also enjoyed exploring the new church role-play area outside!

Finally, in Maths this week, the children have had lots of fun finding different ways to sort a range of natural and man-made objects around the classroom.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer



Reception Autumn Term Week 9

Welcome back! We hope you all managed to have a restful half term.

Reception have been very busy learning about Diwali, the Hindu festival of light, this week. They learnt about some of the customs and traditions used to prepare families for this special celebration. The children heard the story of Rama and Sita and learnt about the symbolic meanings behind the religious artefacts that Hindu families use. Reception then went on to make some of their own objects, including Rangoli and Mehndi patterns and diva lamps.  Did you know that the word Diwali means ‘rows of lighted lamps’?

Reception have also been learning about Guy Fawkes Night and why we commemorate this event in Great Britain every year. The children have enjoyed making their own firework paintings and models and even constructed a large bonfire to use in their role-play.

On Wednesday, we held our first ‘Come and Read’ session. This is a new initiative that will continue to take place every Wednesday at 3pm and is simply an opportunity to share a book with your child. Younger siblings are also invited and if you are unable to attend, grandparents or aunts and uncles are also very welcome to come in your place. Please do not feel any pressure to attend however- we understand that many of you have work commitments. Your child will still be able to enjoy a book with one of the class adults.

On Thursday, Reception had the opportunity to plant some bulbs, ready for the springtime.

On Friday, we had our first gymnastics session with Mr Dugan from Dame Alice Owen School. The children had lots of fun exploring different ways of rolling. If your child does not wear black trainers to school as part of their school uniform, please send in a pair of plimsoles or trainers for them to change into. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer


Reception Autumn Term Autumn Term Week 8

Reception have had a very exciting end to their first half term participating in One World Week with the rest of the school.

In class, the children have been learning about Italy. On Monday, they worked hard to create props for the new Italian restaurant. They then had lots of fun role playing being waiters, chefs, customers and front of house staff.

On Tuesday, Leon from Year 3 came to teach us some Italian songs and told us all about the village that his family come from in Italy. The children then made some Italian lemonade- It was delicious!

On Wednesday, Reception learnt about Pope Francis and the Vatican City. They also learnt about different landmarks in Italy, such as the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Venice and Milan. They enjoyed making their own models of the Leaning Tower of Pisa from clay and large scale gondolas from the large construction!

On Thursday the children learnt about pizzas and went on to make their own. They also had another visitor, Mrs Bruno, who read them a story in Italian about farm animals and then taught them how to count to ten and say hello, goodbye and thank you in Italian.

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our learning celebration this morning. Thank you for your continued support!

Wishing you all a lovely and restful half term break,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Reception Autumn Term Week 7

Reception have been thinking about growing this week. The children have had lots of opportunities to discuss how they have changed from being babies to how they are now and the things that they are now able to do that they couldn’t do when they were first born.

Reception have also been very busy making props to support the new birthday party role play area. The children have enjoyed making birthday cards, presents, invitations, party banners and party food lists.

In Maths this week, the class have been very busy exploring the number four-  sorting objects into groups of four, finding different ways to make four using different maths frames, looking for objects such as cars that have four wheels and tables that have four legs, drawing four things, writing the number four, finding four sided shapes in the indoor and outdoor learning environments, making four sided shapes from different construction and finding one more and one less than four!

Mrs Gymer and I  would like to invite all parents and carers to join us at our brand new weekly reading session, starting after half term. This is an opportunity to simply come and spend some time reading with your child in the Reception classroom. This 20 minute session will be held every Wednesday at 3pm. Siblings are of course very welcome too, but please leave buggies in the bike shelter for health and safety reasons.

Please come via the main school entrance.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Reception Autumn Term Week 6

Reception had a very exciting start to the week when they were visited by Jamie’s mum and her collection of reptiles! As well as learning lots  of facts about each one, the children were invited to handle them too. We certainly have lots of brave children in our class!

On Tuesday, the children were visited by a road safety officer who explained that before crossing a road, we must stop, look, listen and think!

In RE, Reception continued to explore the act of being stewards of the earth. They talked about how beautiful creation is and how important it is to take care of it. They then went on a walk around the school grounds, collecting natural materials that God created. When they got back to class, they worked in groups to create their own works of art.

Next week, Reception will be thinking about when they were babies and how much they have grown. If possible, please provide your child with a baby photograph. These will be returned to you in due course.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer

Reception- Autumn Term Week 5

It’s been another very busy week in Reception!

We started the week off by reading the book ‘Joan Procter, Dragon Doctor’ alongside the rest of the school. This proved to be a real hit with the children and shaped the learning that followed for the rest of the week.

Joan knew that she wanted to be a scientist from a very young age and that got the children thinking about what they would like to be when they are grown up. There was a lot of interest and excitement during discussion about this particular topic! Each child then painted a beautiful portrait of their future self which will be available for all to see during the celebration morning in a couple of week’s time.

Reception class were also very keen to have a vets role play, so that they could look after the animals, just like Joan Procter. This proved to be an extremely popular learning area and so the children decided to start a register, so that every one got a turn. What a great way to practise writing names!

On Tuesday, the class had lots of fun participating in a skipping workshop. It is a very tricky skill to master, however there were a lots of examples of children using their learning power- having a go and not giving up! Lots of children then applied this new skill during Child Initiated Learning throughout the rest of the week.

In RE this week, Reception have been learning about what it takes to be a ‘Steward of the Earth’ and ways that they can help God’s creation. The adults around the school were so impressed with their ideas!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer