Reception Week Beginning 23.11.20

The children started the week learning about the Jewish Festival of Light- Hanukkah. The word ‘Hanukkah’ means ‘Dedication’ in Hebrew. It celebrates a miracle that happened in Jerusalem over 2,000 years ago and is celebrated in November or December every year, lasting for eight days.

Reception learnt that it is celebrated by playing games, eating food, lighting candles on a menorah, giving gifts to loved one and praying. The children had the opportunity to play the Jewish game ‘Dreidel’, make their own menorahs, create ancient Jewish temples from a range of media and make their own Star of David.

Later on in the week, the class continued to think about the theme of light and dark by reading the story, ‘Can’t You Sleep Little Bear?’ Inspired by this, they made their own paper lanterns and other light sources such as torches and candles from junk modelling materials. The children also learnt about bears and even made their own bear caves, fit for a bear to live in.

Rehearsals for the class Nativity are well under way now and lots of our time this week has been spent learning lines and working out stage directions. We are looking forward to sharing this with you all on the school website on the 9th December.

Wishing you a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team


Whole School Home Learning Advent 2020 Friday 27th November 2020

Advent  is the period leading up to Christmas. It starts on the Sunday nearest to 30 November which this year is Sunday 29th November and ends on Christmas Eve. The word ‘advent‘ comes from the Latin word ‘adventus’ meaning ‘coming’ which is a translation of the Greek word ‘parousia’. It is a time of waiting and preparation rather than a joyful celebration like Christmas.

Advent reminds us to remember and prepare for the birth of Jesus.

To help us prepare for Christ’s coming during Advent we invite you to take part in a creative home learning opportunity.

Make an Advent Wreath

One of our Advent traditions is to pray around an Advent Wreath.

Create an Advent Wreath or Advent Candles from card and paper and display in your home as an Advent focus. Here are some ideas for making a craft display.



Taking part in this activity will help us to prepare and focus for the birth of Jesus at Christmas.

Mrs Joyce

RE Co-ordinator

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