Reception Class Week Beginning 28.9.20
What another busy week Reception have had!
The class started off the week by reading this week’s book, Stick Man by Julia Donaldson. Inspired by the story, Reception then went for a walk, exploring the grounds in the search for Stick Man and his family. Sadly, they didn’t find him, but they did manage to collect lots of natural material to use in their learning back in the classroom. The children particularly loved the Peace Garden and took a moment to sit and just listen to the birds and all of the other sounds around them. Back in the classroom, the children enjoyed using their new natural resources to create their own stick people. They also had fun thinking up lots of different uses for Stick Man.
In RE, the children learnt about the Creation Story, and showed their understanding through role play and art.
This week has been ‘Healthy Eating Week’ and Reception have played their part by promoting the ‘Drink Plenty’ aspect. They made a class collage, now framed and displayed in the dining hall and took part in an activity where they tried different flavoured water made from lemons, lime and mint. Lime infused water seemed to be the most popular, with many of the class asking for more!
Next week, Reception are starting the phonics program ‘Letters and Sounds’. Please look out for their phonics home learning book in book bags on Monday. This needs to be kept at home this year. We will be sending home a new phonics sheet every day except Friday. This will need to be stuck into their phonics book and completed daily, in order to reinforce the day’s new letter sound. Thank you!
Have a wonderful weekend,
The Reception Team