Autumn 2 Week 4

We have been learning about the importance of giving clear instructions as part of our Computing unit on algorithms. During this week’s lesson, we planned careful routes and instructions for a friend to follow.

In PE we have travelled over, under, across and on top of various apparatus. We also enjoyed going to watch the Dame Alice Owen’s Gym and Dance dress rehearsal on Monday.

During RE, we have created an Advent Prayer Calendar and helped plan a collective worship about peace.

In Science, we have also explored what living things need to survive.

Home Learning

Thank you for your wonderful desert posters. If you haven’t finished these, please hand them in on Monday.

Please read your book over the weekend and learn your lines for the play.

Mathletic activities have been set online.

I haven’t set spelling this week, but next week we will be revising the suffixes ed, ing and er.