Autumn 2 Week 1- Year 5
Welcome back. I was wonderful to see the children back in school looking refreshed and ready for another half term of learning.
In English, we have begun our learning on our new text ‘Weslandia’. Along with the rest of the school, we have been exploring the characters and locations. Year 5 made some interesting inferences about our main character, Wesley, and his tormentors.
In science, our focus is now on materials and their properties. Miss Clapp ran an experiment looking at the thermal conductivity of different materials. The children then related this to items around the home and why that material was chosen.
This week was ‘other faith’ week in R.E. We learnt about the Jewish celebration of Shabbat. We spent time looking at what it is about and why Jews take part. Year 5 then debated the advantages and disadvantages of Shabbat. There were some very interesting points of view and they children could really see the value in this focused family time.
Today in art, we looked at the artist Heaton Cooper. We evaluated his landscapes and appreciated the depth and perspective of his paintings. We then used the vanishing point to practise this skill ourselves.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Lines and Miss Clapp