Friday, 8th September 2023
Welcome back !
The children in Year 4 have had a lovely first week! They’ve settled into the school year well and tried their best in all activities.
We are celebrating Diversity at Pope Paul School this year and the children have learnt that diversity means differences. In class, they shared what makes them unique and different and participated in acts of worship around this theme. They also created pieces of artwork inspired by ‘diversity’, which will form their first display in class.
In English, the children started their first unit of work with a focus on sentence structure. We are using Mary Howitt’s wonderful poem ‘The Spider and the Fly’ to gain understanding of characters and plot before composing short persuasive letters, an advert and later on a longer narrative piece applying understanding of conjunctions and fronted adverbials. This week, the children used role play to gain understanding of the main characters and how they change through the ‘story’.
In Maths, the class looked at Place Value and used different concrete resources such as dienes (base 10) equipment and place value counters to represent 4 digit numbers flexibly.
In RE, we started looking at our Mission Prayer from a diversity point of you, understanding how we celebrate our community and our individual gifts.
Thank you for those parents who sent in boxes of tissues; we really appreciate your donations. For some reason we never seem to have enough 🙂
Dates for your diary:
PE- Mondays and Thursdays (please make sure children come in their full PE uniform on those days)
Meet the Teacher- Tuesday, 12th September 2023 at 8.45am
Y4 assembly- Thursday, 28th September 2023
Y4 Class Mass- Wednesday, 11th October 2023
Parent Consultations- Tuesday, 17th October 2023/ Thursday, 19th October 2023
Class Trip to the Epping Forest District Museum- Thursday, 19th October 2023
Home Learning:
Children will receive their new reading records next week, with their log in details for online resources/learning platforms.
Please practice this week’s spelling words:Â homophones
accept-except, knot-not, peace-piece, plain-plane, weather-whether
Please log onto mathsframe (free resource but be advised it can contain ads and pop ups) and spend 15-20 mins practicing mixed multiplication tables.
Have a lovely weekend,
Ms Varga