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Headteacher: Liz Heymoz
Baker Street,
Potters Bar,
Tel: 01707 659755
Fax: 01707 665431
Email: admin@popepaul.herts.sch.uk
Baker Street,
Potters Bar,
Tel: 01707 659755
Fax: 01707 665431
Email: admin@popepaul.herts.sch.uk
SATs revision: Determiners
/in Year 6 /by Margaret JoyceClick below for the PowerPoint on Determiners: Determiners
Year 6 Home Learning – 20/04/18
/in Year 6 /by Margaret JoyceDue Tuesday 24th April English SPaG: spag.com – KS2 SATs Grammar Test (D) Reading: spend minimum 30 mins on https://readtheory.org/ Spellings http://spellingframe.co.uk/ identify which spelling rule you need to revise, then use this website to practise Maths Times tables CGP Year 6 book pp. 76-79 (Year Six Objectives Test) Reading Daily reading and write-up in reading […]
Year 6 – 29/03/18
/in Year 6 /by Margaret JoyceWhat a busy final fortnight of the term! Last week was Computing Week, during which we enjoyed an e-Safety workshop and a coding workshop. Thank you Ms Davey for organising these. The children had their final two football sessions and on Tuesday played a class tournament where they applied all the skills that they had […]
Songs to learn for KS2 Way Of The Cross
/in Year 6 /by Margaret JoyceClick here for the lyric sheet for all the songs that need to be learnt. My Soul Is Sad YouTube link
Year 6 – 16/03/18
/in Year 6 /by Margaret JoyceOver the past few weeks, Year 6 have been enjoying having the opportunity to have football training with a coach from Arsenal club, which will continue until the end of term. They have been focusing on the ABCS of football: agility, balance, co-ordination and speed. It has been fantastic to see them having so much […]
Week 21
/in Archives, Reception, Year 6 /by Margaret JoyceIt was lovely to see you all at the Parent Consultations- thank you for your continued support! The week started with the much anticipated World Book Day. What a wonderful array of book characters we had in Reception! During the day, the children shared their favourite stories with each other, spent time reading with their Year […]
Year 6 – 09/03/18
/in Year 6 /by Margaret JoyceClick for this week’s home learning. Blog post to follow
Maths Links to help your Learning
/in Year 6 /by Margaret JoyceTime Reading Scales revision
Year 6 – 23/02/18
/in Year 6 /by Margaret JoyceIt has been a busy first week back doing SATs papers, but Year 6 have managed to get out of the classroom multiple times this week. In Science, the children carried on their learning about Charles Darwin by imitating his research into bugs and their habitats. We went outside and looked closely at the insects we could […]
KS2 SATs Presentation to Parents (21/02/18)
/in Year 6 /by Margaret JoyceThank you to all those that came to the talk on Wednesday afternoon regarding the SATs tests that your child will be taking in May. Here is the Powerpoint. Click here for the link to the video. Here are the links to the past SATs papers that were out: Maths Reading SPaG Please don’t hesitate to […]