Year 6 – 13/10/17

In Maths this week, the children have been using the skill of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 to solve problems and investigations.

In English, they have drafted a short story based on the poignant film, The Piano. These will be edited next week and added to their writing portfolios.

Our Science learning took us into the playground this week to make a giant human electrical circuit. Using our bodies as conductors and an energy tube that flashes when the circuit is complete, we investigated which materials were conductors or insulators of electricity. We were all intrigued to find that a leaf is a conductor because of the moisture in it, as well as a lemon and a potato! If you come across any objects over the weekend and you’re curious to know if it conducts electricity or not, bring it in on Monday and we’ll put it to the test!

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Our circuit training module in PE came to a close this week with a cardio blast. Well done for pushing yourselves until the end!

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In art, we experimented with a wax-resist technique by using white crayons and black water colours.

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Next week is One World Week, during which we will be learning all about Poland (correction from original letter). For Home Learning this week, all children in the school are asked to carry out a research project on their class’ country and present it how they wish. For more information and ideas, the letter is here.

The week will culminate with Friday’s Celebration Morning, when you have the opportunity to see the children’s projects and everything that they have been learning about and creating related to Poland! I hope to see lots of you then.

Miss Donatantonio