Year 6 – 21/07/22

And that’s a wrap!

What a week we’ve had! In amongst surviving the heat, this week’s highlights have included spending time with Reception partners, having a very special Leavers’ Mass at the church on Wednesday, enjoying the pizza party yesterday afternoon and getting shirts and yearbooks signed this morning.

Thank you, children, for all the memories that you’ve given me over the past year. I will miss you all and I wish you a fantastic summer which you thoroughly deserve. Have an amazing time at secondary school, and please do say ‘hi’ to me if you see me out and about – it really does make my day when I see past pupils!

Thank you, parents, for your generosity, kind words, and support that you have shown – not just this week, but all year. It does not go unnoticed and it is so appreciated.

Lots of love,

Miss Donatantonio xx