Friday, 9th September 2022
Year 4, had a very busy first week back and I am proud of how well the children all adjusted to their new classroom and settled into their routines.
In English, we began our first unit of poetry and the class had opportunity to act out some of the pieces we used for inspiration. They also created word banks and thought about description as a preparation towards writing their own poem, next week. They produced story maps as well, Pie Corbett style, to show their understanding of poems.
In Maths, after learning about Roman numerals, that we use for our dates in Year 4, the children began some learning on place value, using concrete resources and pictorial representation to show their understanding of the value of each digit in 4 digit numbers.
In Science, the class gathered ideas and reactivated their earlier learning on ‘Animals including humans’, our first unit, before looking at types of enquiries.
They also copied and decorated our new Mission Prayer, with the added line of ‘to build a better world’ and explained in paragraphs it’s true meaning, whilst also looking at why Christians go on pilgrimage. The children completed a short pilgrimage themselves to the Peace Garden, to help them understand the concept of journeys. In addition, they used watercolour technique to create’ journey’ paintings, which are now displayed in class.
In PE, we practiced multi-skills, including, running, dodging, passing and catching balls whilst in Geography, the class began their first unit of Megacities looking at atlases, maps and satellite images.
I hope you have a restful weekend, the children certainly deserve one after their hard work,
Ms Varga
Please see below your Home Learning
Home Learning | Due by Tuesday, 13th September 2022 |
Spelling | Please log on to your EdShed account and complete the assignment set based on homophones. |
Reading | Please log on to your ReadTheory account and complete your assessment task. Please also update your Reading logs and be prepared to present them on Wednesday. |
Mathletics | Please log on to your Mathletics account and complete the assigned tasks based on Place value. |