Year 2 Blog 02/05/2021

Bring flowers of the rarest, bring flowers of the fairest

From garden and woodland and hillside and vale;

Our full hearts are swelling, our glad voices telling

The praise of the loveliest flower of the vale.

O Mary, we crown you with blossoms today,

Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.

Today we celebrated the month of May by holding our May procession to honour Our Lady.  We reflected on the life of Our Lady and processed towards the Peace Garden where we placed our flowers.

In English, the children completed the first draft of their animal adventure stories. We are looking forward to editing our writing next week and making additions. We have been revising number and place value in Maths. I have been very impressed with everyone’s number facts and mental maths fluency.

There are plenty of green fingers in Year 2 and we have enjoyed planting onions and tending to the flowerbeds this week. There are many packets of seeds to sow next week… especially the giant sunflower seeds. We are hoping for a bumper crop!

Home Learning:

Spellings: Common exception words –

Science whole school home learning due for next Friday 14th May: Create your own A4 painting/drawing of a famous scientist, using any medium you like.
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Davey