Year 1 Week Beginning 18.11.24

This week, Years 1 and 2 have been very busy with initial rehearsals for the KS1 Christmas performance. They have now all been given their parts and have been asked to learn any lines as soon as possible. The school will be providing the costume, but will be asking the children to bring in something to wear underneath it; more information about this will follow next week.

In English, the children have been learning how to create story maps based on the wonderful story Pumpkin Soup, written by Helen Cooper. They also used adjectives to write about the feelings of the three characters in the book.

In Maths, Year 1 have continued their unit on addition, using part-whole models, tens frames and bar models to write different fact families and to explore number bonds.

In RE, the children have been learning about the season of Advent. They made their own advent wreaths and created advent cards with promises written inside; these cards will form part of a whole class advent calendar display.

In Oracy, the class have been learning about Discussion Guidelines.

During the lesson, they learnt that in order to communicate effectively they must:

Be calm and sitting nicely.

Use my ears to listen.

Use a clear voice.

Look at my friend when they are talking 

Take turns to speak.

Respect the opinions of my friend.

In Phonics this week, the children continued with the next set of phase 5 sounds which can be found here.

Spelling Shed home learning has been set- this week the focus is words ending in k and nk.

Please continue to learn the song lyrics uploaded last week!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms Pemberton and the Year 1 team.