Friday, 13th December 2024
What a week for the children in Year 2!
Super well done for your amazing Nativity play on Tuesday AND Wednesday! Your performance was brilliant and it has been wonderful to watch you so animated and happy on stage. All your hard work during the rehearsals was worth it in the end! I couldn’t be prouder of you all!
On Thursday, we had our Christmas Fun day when the children met Father Christmas and enjoyed party games before heading into the hall for cakes and tattoos. Thank you for all the parent helpers for their hard work; the class had a lovely time.
Please remember that on Monday, we are watching the Panto so the children need to come to the Church car park at 9.30am and be registered. If your child attends breakfast club, members of the staff will walk them down to the Church. As we are walking back to school later, please make sure the children have appropriate coats with a hood.
Have a lovely weekend,
Ms Varga
Home Learning:
Spelling: Please log onto EdShed to consolidate this week’s words (Words where ‘kn’ and ‘gn’ make a /n/ sound at the beginning of words) and use the games to pre-learn next week’s Challenge words.
Reading: Please continue to read at home and sign reading records.
Maths: Log onto TTRockStars and practice your assigned tables.