Year 5 – 06/12/24

In Science, we explored the Solar System by modelling the relative sizes of the planets and then heading outside to demonstrate their distances from the Sun. We noticed that as the planets get farther from the Sun, the distance between them increases. The rocky planets were clustered close together, while the gas and ice giants were spread much farther apart.

On Monday afternoon, we enjoyed a fantastic music concert featuring pianists, string players, and singers from Year 5 and Year 6. Well done to all the performers, and thank you to the rest of the children for being such a supportive audience!

In English, we completed our suspense narratives, and in Maths, we explored multiples, factors, prime numbers, and square numbers. In PE, we focused on pivoting and footwork in netball.

On Wednesday evening, Year 5 joined the rest of KS2 to lead a beautiful Advent Service at the church. The children were excellent, and many people commented on the prayerfulness and joy they brought to the evening. A huge well done to everyone involved!

Our child-led Collective Worship this week was led by Gabriella, Isabella, Leo, and Ruben. Together, we reflected on how we can ‘prepare the way’ for Jesus during Advent.

Each morning, we’ve been praying the Jesse Tree and have so far learnt about Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, and Jacob. The children have written thoughtful reflections on what these stories mean to them.

Home learning for this week is:

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·         Common multiples

·         Common factors

Reading 5 tests on Readtheory or 20 minutes of reading per day
Spelling We will carry last week’s spellings over into another week as we didn’t get a chance to practise them this week

Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words ending ‘-ably’ and ‘-ibly’

·         reliably

·         terribly

·         dependably

·         visibly

·         comfortably

·         incredibly

·         possibly

·         sensibly

·         horribly

·         legibly

Wishing you all a lovely weekend—see you on Monday!

Miss Donatantonio