Autumn 2 Week 3

On Tuesday morning, we walked to Dame Alice Owens School to watch their Gym and Dance Display.  We really enjoyed the show, especially when we saw past pupils Caitlin, Lucy and Ella-Maria perform. Everyone left feeling inspired and looking forward to their next PE lesson. 

This week we have started preparing for the KS2 Advent service. Your child has been given a printed song sheet to learn over the next two weeks for their home learning. The lyrics and links to the songs that we are singing can be found here.

In RE we have been examining Luke’s gospel and learning how Mary and John the Baptist prepared for the coming of Jesus.

In Maths we have continued to multiply and divide by 6, using arrays and our reasoning skills.


We have also started to develop our oracy skills in class, through the use of discussion cards, active listening and different sentence stems that have allowed us to politely challenge, agree and persuade.

Home learning 

Spelling – Words where ‘ch’ makes a /sh/ sound

I have set EdShed games based on these words.


Singing – please learn the lyrics to the Advent songs – see the link above.

Reading – please read and fill in your reading record.