Week 2

We have had a busy week in Year 3! In Maths, we have been using equipment to make different numbers in different ways to show the value of each digit. Then the children explained the similarities and difference between two numbers.

In English, we have been reading different fables and identifying their morals. Then we compared different versions of the same fable. Can you find some fables at home to read?

On Wednesday, we had a wonderful day celebrating Mary’s birthday. We made cards, decorated our Peace Garden, sang songs, ate lollies and cake, and then danced. The children were presented with the question “How do we see Mary in art? They looked at different pictures of Mary and discussed what they told us about her.

In History, we wrote and presented weather reports. In Computing we started using a program called Scratch and we had our first recorder lesson!

Our focus in PE this term is Invasion Games. We played games to develop the skill of dodging. The children loved playing football at lunchtime on Wednesday with a football coach.

Home Learning

Next week the children will design their own imaginary world to support their writing. In preparation, please cut out images from food magazines or food labels. They need lots of different types of food/drink pictures that they would like to be in their world.

Spellings – This term’s spellings are on the spelling tab on our class page. Please practise spellings and think about how you would use each word in a sentence.

I look forward to seeing you at Meeting the Teacher Meeting on Tuesday 14th September at 2.30pm.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey