w.b. 14.03.22

Spring Term Week 10 14.03.22

Year 1 enjoyed exploring their Big Question for Science Week ‘What do seeds need to grow?’ They discussed, gathered their ideas before planting sunflower seeds. We hope they are going to grow really high so we can win the Sunflower Height Challenge!

They also worked hard to weed and turn the soil over to plant white tulip bulbs.

Year 1 explored what a scientist is, how they become a scientist and all the different types of scientists they could be when they are older.

In History Year 1 identified toys, their material and then sorted them out into what they considered to be old toys and which ones were new.

They also started to learn how things are ordered in chronological order and ordered a timeline of toys.

Then Mrs Heymoz surprised them all by coming in and sharing a childhood doll of hers.

Children are invited to bring in a small cuddly/ soft toy next Monday so we can use them in our History and English learning. I would like to use these toys all week so please make sure you children is okay with leaving their toy in the class Monday- Friday next week.  

In maths Year 1 have been continuing to make numbers with tens and ones and now are ordering and comparing them using the language of tens and ones.
Mathletics to support learning this week:

  • Compare numbers to 20
  • Order numbers to 20
  • Matching numbers to 20

Phonic sounds learnt this week are:

e-e ‘Go Pete, Go Steve!’  delete/concrete/theme/these/complete

i-e ‘Nice smile’ shine/glide/strike/hide/like/spike/rice

Tricky words to read and spell: Mrs, Mrs, here, could, asked, people

Unfortunately, Spelling Frame does not have these sounds. The children have selected a blank game mat template that they will use to generate their own games to play with these sounds such as: Roll and read, snakes and ladders, bingo, flash card, snap, pairs, word search or anything else that they enjoy. Children are invited to bring their games in to play next Friday afternoon.

Please can all children have their reading books in everyday next week so I can change them throughout the week due to staff absences. 

We are on our last box of tissues so any donated boxes would be most appreciated!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the beautiful Spring weather!

Miss Lambie 🙂