Summer Term Week 1 w.b. 25.04.2022

Summer Term Week 1 w.b. 25.04.2022

Year 1 have had an active week and are ready for their four-day weekend!

On Monday the children enjoyed their first tennis coaching session before their first swimming lesson on Wednesday. I was super impressed about how quickly Year 1 changed and how safely they behaved during their session.

Year 1 are to wear their P.E. kits on Monday and Wednesday now.

They enjoyed an online video call with Alice who is a ‘Doctor’ for crops. Alice showed Year 1 the field where she was looking after bean crops. Year 1 learnt that the beans can take up to six months to fully grow. Alice was kind enough to send us some bean seeds so we can plant them to show her next time. Alice also advised us on how to strengthen our current sunflowers so we can ensure ours is the tallest in the school! Alice suggested re-potting them now they are growing taller, feeding them and supporting them with a stick to stay upright.

That led Year 1 right outside to find a stick they thought would a similar size. When they were back in the classroom they used rulers to measure their stick against the sunflower which was 15cm.

Year 1 and Year 3 came together to explore fields next to the school. They enjoyed seeing and smelling the beautiful yellow rapeseed crops. Year 1 were linking their science learning about plants and Alice’s video call to talk about what the crops needed to grow. Year 1 were able to recall what they had learnt in Geography on their local area and saw that the maps explored in the lesson matched what they observed on their walk. They were surprised to head motorway but mentioned how they can’t hear it in class.

In maths Year 1 have been continuing to learn how to spell and order the days of the week and have moved onto ordering and spelling the months of the year. They will be applying this spelling in their English learning next week. Mathletics has been set to support this.

We have tried to get through the readers and would appreciate if every child has their books in everyday next week so we can catch up with the readers from the days where school is closed.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lambie


*Inset Friday 29th April and Bank Holiday 2nd May*

*School closed on Thursday 5th May*