Spring 2 Week 2 w.b 4.3.24
As part of our science topic on Materials the children took part in a floating and sinking activity. We tested various items to see if they would float or sink in water. Firstly. the children predicted what they thought would happen with certain items and then tested to find out the results. Year one then proceeded to choose items they would like to test if they would float or sink from the classroom. The children were able to compare their results and found out that some wooden items floated and so did items made from plastic. Maybe you could try this activity at home and let us know what you found out!
In Maths we continued practising think 5 and think 10 when using number frames and writing out number problems with part whole models. Please practise number bonds to ten with your child and if you would like a challenge number bonds to twenty!
On Tuesday. we were very fortunate to be take part in an Internet safety workshop. The children learned how to keep safe online with a visit to Internet Land! They met Dom Dragon, Callie Cat and Ola Owl who taught the children to always keep their personal details safe when playing games online and what to do if they feel worried about anything they may see or hear online. They joined in with the kindness spell to remind them to use kind words when using phones, ipads etc…
The children are enjoying their weekly Italian lessons. This week year one learned how to name members of the family in Italian. To reinforce their learning they played a fun game on the whiteboard. The children are becoming more confident in using their knowledge of Italian words learnt so far in their lessons.
In Re, the children were asked to bring in something from home that has a special place in their everyday life for our Box of life. The children learned about a special prayer called The Examen and how it is a prayer that involves praying backwards not forwards, thinking of all the things that we are thankful for that we have to celebrate in our lives.
World Book Day 2024
It was lovely to see all the children dressed up on Thursday in their amazing costumes. They had so much fun talking to each other about their outfits and hearing their very excited conversations about who they were dressed as. We started the day with an interactive assembly where children’s photos were shared and teachers were also photographed reading in lots of strange and wonderful places. To end the assembly the children took part in an engaging retell of We’re Going On A Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen where the children stood up and took part in all the actions. There was much fun had by all the children across the school. Later, the children had a surprise visitor (Ms Pemberton) who came to read a story to the class, the children were delighted to see her again!
As part of their writing, the children drew a picture of their character and wrote the name of who they were. They also had to say why they chose to be that person. Finally, to end the day we read The paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson and the children then went on to make their very own paper dolls.
Mathletics – please complete the activities set.
Handwriting sheet – practice letters sent home. You do not need to send this back as they are also practised daily in school.
Spellings – please practice the spellings with your child for a spelling test next Friday. This also does not need to be sent back.
Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes