Spring 2 Week 1
A great week back! It was lovely to see you all at Parents’ evening, I hope you enjoyed looking at your children’s learning.
Our Whole School Writing focus is on the book The Tin Forest. The children have been writing some wonderful descriptions of the main character and the setting. We have been creative with the boxes the children collected to make wonderful animals and trees for our forest.
In Maths we have been naming and describing 2D shapes. The children went on a shape hunt around the school. What shapes can you find at home?
The Year 1’s took part in the KS1 Act of Worship on Wednesday to begin Lent. On Friday the children added their Lenten promises to the school Lenten tree.
Home Learning – Mathletics and Spellings.
Spellings –
how, now, brown, town, down, own, blow, snow, grow, show
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Carey