Spring 1 week 5 w.b 05.02.24

This week, in Year one the children have been learning a poem called ‘One Silver Speck’ by Laura Purdie Salas all about a little mouse. We practised performing the poem, focussing on projecting our voices and varying the intonation. We talked about what a mouse would like to eat and what would a mouse be afraid of. We are using this poem as a stimulus for writing our own free verse poem about a squirrel.

In Maths, we have been building on the children’s knowledge of numbers to twenty and how numbers ten to nineteen are made up by ten and some more. The children have played games matching digits, dienes and numbers in words to help develop their understanding. We have also been practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10’s which the children are getting very good at.

In Science we investigated which fabric would be good to use for an umbrella. We discussed what the word Waterproof means and what materials we knew may be waterproof. We looked at a variety of materials and predicted which ones we thought would be waterproof. We tested the materials with droplets of water to see what would happen to them if they became wet. Next week, we will be testing to see what happens to materials when they are heated and cooled.

In PE the children performed, reviewed and improved their finished performance pieces to music. They worked in pairs to choregraph a routine and perform it to the class. They then gave feedback to each other before going back to see if they could improve their performances.


In Art the children used their imaginations to identify the stories emerging in their paintings. They worked into their dry paintings using pastels, pencils and crayons to build upon their paintings and to see how the materials reacted on watercolour.

In Wellbeing this week the children looked at the different life stages. In small groups they worked together to collect photos from around the classroom that match the different life stages. They were very good at grouping the pictures correctly and explaining why they put them together.

Home Learning – due Friday

Mathletics – please complete the activities set.

Handwriting sheet – practice letters sent home. You do not need to send this back as they are also practised daily in school.

Spellings – please practice the spellings with your child for a spelling test next Friday. This also does not need to be sent back.

Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.

Reminder – KS1 Ash Wednesday Service is on Wednesday 14th February at 2.30pm. All parents are welcome to attend.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes