Spring 1 Week 3
Our focus this week was The Three Little Pigs. The children retold the story with puppets and by drawing a story map. They thought of ways they could trick the wolf. They made houses of straw, sticks and bricks. They made Wanted posters to find the wolf. To continue to develop their oracy skills, they used phones to call the police and tell them what had happened. The children predicted what objects could be blown away and tested them. Outside, the children dressed up as builders and built houses with bricks.
In Maths, the children have been comparing mass using the vocabulary heavier and lighter. We used balancing scales to demonstrate how we can measure mass. First the children estimated what they thought then measured the objects. Then they looked for objects that have the same mass and showed them balancing on the scales.
In Phonics, we learnt y, z, zz and qu. Our tricky words are he and she. Please complete the phonics sheets and practise the sounds and words at home.
In Religion, we learnt the Glory Be prayer.
Outside, we have a cafe role play where the children are encouraged to develop their speaking and listening skills. They are all using their writing and maths skills when writing orders and paying for items.
Please send writing books back on the children’s reading day.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team