Spring 1 Week 2

This week our learning has been based around Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children have been acting out the story, writing sorry letters from Goldilocks, writing speech bubbles and making wanted posters. We have also been making, mixing and eating porridge. Using their wonderful design skills, children have been making new chairs for baby bear. On Thursday, we found that Goldilocks had been in our class, eaten the porridge and broken a chair.


In Maths, we have been finding one more and one less using a variety of resources and playing games. Next we learnt to make the number 5 in lots of different ways.

In Religion, we thought carefully about the star that the Three Kings followed. We made telescopes to look at stars outside and the drew pictures of themselves in a star and described why they are stars.

In Ten Ten, we talked about feelings. We  showed the different expressions on our faces and discussed what they show about how we are feeling. The children explainedwhat they could do to make others happy when they were sad.

In Phonics, we learnt the sounds y, z, zz and q. Please complete phonics home learning for this week and remember to write in your writing books. Please encourage the children to sound out the words using the sounds they know.

Our class assembly is on Friday 2nd February at 9.15am. If your child has taken home a reading, please help them to learn it.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Early Years Team