Week 5

In Maths, we have been comparing numbers using <, >, = signs. The children have been solving problems and explaining their answers.

In English, the children have been editing their stories and writing them in their best handwriting to display in the classroom. In phonics we have been learning about how the diagraph ie can make the sound igh or ee.

Thank you for sending in apples, the children had fun investigating. They thought of questions and then planned and tested to find the answer. We then looked at the results to check if there were patterns. The apples were then used to print pictures of flowers.

On Thursday, it was Ascension Thursday, the children retold the story in their own words.


Home Learning




Science- The children have been asking questions about apples. Please write a question they would like to find the answer to at the top of a page and then research to find the answer, write the information on the paper and draw a picture of an apple.

Here are some of the questions they have been asking – You can use one of these of think of one of your own. Please send it in by Wednesday 19th May so they can share with the class.

Why do apples have stems?

Why do apples have seeds?

Why do apples grow on a tree?

The parents meeting powerpoint is on google classroom.

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey