Reception- Summer 2 Week 5

Reception class have taken full advantage of the glorious weather and spent most of it learning outdoors this week; they have been very busy weeding the class flower bed and planting the sunflowers that they have grown from seeds. The children have also spent time practising for sports day next Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Reception joined the rest of the school in watching the Year 6 production. They thought it was fantastic and were so excited and proud to see their learning partners up on the stage! As a result of this, lots of the children  spent the rest of the week on the EYFS outside stage, dancing and singing songs from the show. In fact, their child initiated learning  has been so heavily influenced by the production, that Year 6 gave the children a mini drama workshop on Friday afternoon.

Next week, we will be collecting in all reading books. Please have a look around your home for any stray books, as we seem to be very low on yellow level in particular. Thank you.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the Strawberry Fayre!

Mrs Theo and Mrs Gymer