Monday 29th June 2020

Welcome to a new week of learning. Join us at 10am in mass live streamed from OLSV to celebrate St Paul VI.

Here are your tasks for today:

Morning Prayer Follow the PowerPoint for your daily prayer

Monday Prayer


Maths WALT- divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.

Questions:Divide decimals by 10 100 and 1000_Worksheet_Year_5

Answers:Dividing decimals by 10 100 and 1000_Answers_Year_5

English Find your learning here:Year 5 Day 1
Reading and Spelling Complete 10 read theory tests

Read your own book for 20 minutes

Use spelling frame- rule 38

Curriculum It’s our Virtual Sports Week!

Take a look at the blog from Miss Pringle. Each day you are given a physical task and an activity that links to the wider curriculum. It is themed around the Olympics and our country is Samoa.


RE- Look at the blog about St Peter and St Paul and complete the activity.