Celebration Blog

I hope you have all enjoyed the glorious weather this week. It has been very hot in our classroom!

This week, Jamie B completed the most read theory tests. He did a whopping 88! Well done, Jamie. In second place was  Matthew L with 54 and in third is Christopher with 51.

In mathletics, Dejon earned a silver award. Well done, Dejon. Alex, Dejon, Fiona, Patrycja and Emilia earned bronze awards. Well done to those children for completing extra mathletics activities.

Thank you to Angelo who sent me a riddle. It is based on the Victorian NowPressPlay story.


I picked up a boy off the street to work with us.

He was as cold as ice.

I got whipped on the job. 

I poked myself 2-5 times on the job. 

Who am I?

If you completed this one, can you guess which character it is?


Have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs Lines