Friday, 8th October 2021


A huge well done to all the children in Year 4 for their beautiful assembly this morning. Great reading and acting! They took on the responsibility with maturity and motivation. Very proud of them all!

This week, beyond practising for their assembly, the children completed learning on number magnitude (the size of a number relative to other benchmark numbers) in Maths, whilst continuing with their English topic of persuasion. They have used Computing tools to write counter arguments, first based on a short picture book, then later based on their home learning research of local attractions. In Science, they interpreted and constructed a variety of food chains whilst in RE they looked at the meaning of monotheism and recalled the details of the Burning Bush story from Exodus. They also worked on their still life adding tones and shades to create a 3D effect and played team ball games in PE to further progress their passing and catching skills.

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due in by Tuesday, 12th October 2021
Spelling Please log onto Spelling Frame and practice this and last week’s spelling before testing yourself on them. To access these, you don’t need registration.

Reading Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 activities. Please also update your reading logs with details about your current reading book. Be ready to present your records on Wednesday.

Multiplication Please log onto ‘Hit the button’ and spend 10-15 minutes practicing your mixed facts.

Study Ladder Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the activities on your assigned pod. They will include 2 tutorial videos on times tables and then further practice opportunities plus a Science activity of food chains to consolidate your understanding on producers, consumers, preys, predators, herbivores, omnivores and carnivores.