Autumn 1 Week 6
On Monday, the police visited us to tell us what they do to help people. The children asked lots of questions, tried on their clothes and sat in the police car. The children have been role playing police in the playground.
This week, we have been learning about India. We learnt about the flag and where to find India on a map. The children made their own flags to be displayed around our world map. Our home corner has changed to a Indian restaurant where children have been wearing saris and serving food. The children made Rangoli patterns using chalk, felt tips and natural resources. We learnt about the National bird- the peacock and the children made peacocks. We also learnt about how people bath and wash clothes in the River Ganges -the children have been washing clothes in our water tray. Following our theme of the Year of the Disciples, we learnt about a charity called Caritas that supports people in India. Raylan, Aanay and Tiya from Year 6 showed us their traditional dress and some Indian dancing. Jonathan’s parents made us some traditional food from India. Freya’s parents made us some sweets and Ayden’s parents bought us some Indian snacks. Thank you for your support. We made Laddoo, the children enjoyed mixing and rolling. We also learnt some Indian dancing. Outside, we made the Taj Mahal.
On Friday, Jonathan, Freya and Raiya came to school in their traditional dress.
In Maths, we have been finding different ways to make 2 and 3 using a cherry model (part, part, whole), a tens frame and many other resources.
In Phonics, we have been revising the sounds and tricky words we have learnt this term. Please practise saying and writing all of the sounds in their phonics book. Practise reading tricky words I, no, go and the.
Thank you for all of the donations for the food bank.
On Friday, we read the story Pumpkin Soup and made some pumpkin soup in our mud kitchen.
Could you go for a walk and collect some signs of autumn? Bring in some different colour leaves, conkers and some twigs please. Please send in a plastic bottle with a lid for the Tuesday after half term.
Have a wonderful half term.
Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team