Autumn 1 Week 6

On Monday, the police visited us to tell us what they do to help people. The children asked lots of questions, tried on their clothes and sat in the police car. The children have been role playing police in the playground.

This week, we have been learning about India. We learnt about the flag and where to find India on a map. The children made their own flags to be displayed around our world map. Our home corner has changed to a Indian restaurant where children have been wearing saris and serving food. The children made Rangoli patterns using chalk, felt tips and natural resources. We learnt about the National bird- the peacock and the children made peacocks. We also learnt about how people bath and wash clothes in the River Ganges -the children have been washing clothes in our water tray. Following our theme of the Year of the Disciples, we learnt about a charity called Caritas that supports people in India. Raylan, Aanay and Tiya from Year 6 showed us their traditional dress and some Indian dancing. Jonathan’s parents made us some traditional food from India. Freya’s parents made us some sweets and Ayden’s parents bought us some Indian snacks. Thank you for your support. We made Laddoo, the children enjoyed mixing and rolling. We also learnt some Indian dancing. Outside, we made the Taj Mahal.

On Friday, Jonathan, Freya and Raiya came to school in their traditional dress.

In Maths, we have been finding different ways to make 2 and 3 using a cherry model (part, part, whole), a tens frame and many other resources.

In Phonics, we have been revising the sounds and tricky words we have learnt this term. Please practise saying and writing all of the sounds in their phonics book. Practise reading tricky words I, no, go and the.

Thank you for all of the donations for the food bank.

On Friday, we read the story Pumpkin Soup and made some pumpkin soup in our mud kitchen.

Could you go for a walk and collect some signs of autumn? Bring in some different colour leaves, conkers and some twigs please. Please send in a plastic bottle with a lid for the Tuesday after half term.

Have a wonderful half term.

Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team

Autumn 1 Week 6

This week we have been learning about the people who help us. We have been lucky to have many visitors. On Monday, we had Esther’s mum, who is a dentist come to tell us about her important job. We learnt about how to keep our teeth healthy and how dentists can help us. We cleaned teeth at school, sequenced pictures of how we brush our teeth and we pretended we were dentists.

On Tuesday, we had a nurse visit. She talked about what she did and showed us some of the equipment she uses in her job. Then the children painted and drew pictures of why we may need a nurse.

On Wednesday, we had the firefighters some in. They talked about what they do each day. They told us what we should do if we saw a fire. They reminded us to test our smoke alarms regularly and if we do not have one contact Potters Bar Fire Station. We sat in the fire engine and sprayed the water hose. After,we made our own fire engine with crates and used our hoses to spray pretend fires in the playground. The children dressed up as firefighters. Children also made fire engines from boxes.

Outside, the children were role playing being a vet in our outdoor vets. They were looking after different animals, pretending to be a vet or a receptionist.


In Maths, we have been learning to find one more and one less than a number. we have been using number fans and playing games to help us demonstrate our understanding.

Deacon Sean same to Reception Class to baptise a baby doll to continue our learning on Baptism.

Next week is One World Week. We are learning about India. If you are from India and would like to come and talk to the children about your traditions, please speak to me. If you would like to bring in some food for us to taste, please let me know. If the children have traditional dress from the country they are from, please wear on Friday.


I look forward to seeing you at parents evening. If you have not made an appointment, please do.

Please see the powerpoint of photos from this week. Photos

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Autumn 1 Week 5

Our story this week was The Rainbow Fish. The story is about friendships. We talked about what makes a good friend. The children made their own fishes where they drew around their hand, cut them out and decorated them. They made friendship bracelets for their friends and they made a sea scene with different sea creatures in. Then we made a recipe for friendships, we added kindness, happiness, fun, caring, and helpfulness to our bowl and mixed it together to help us remember what a good friend is.

In Maths, we have been learning about the numbers 1, 2 and 3. The children have been playing games, threading numbers and finding objects to help them have a secure understanding of the numbers.

In Phonics, we learnt the sounds m, d and g. The children read words with those sounds in. Some of the letters can be difficult to write so please practise with the children over the weekend.

The children got their reading books this week. The library book is for you to read to your child. If you child has a reading book with no words, encourage them to talk about the pictures, ask them questions and retell what is happening.

In Religion, we have been learning about Baptism. We looked a photos of when the children were baptised. The children learnt that when we are baptised we are join Jesus’ family. They acted out baptising a doll. Please talk to your children about their baptism, show them their baptismal candle and tell them who their Godparents are.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Autumn 1 Week 4

This week, we have been learning about feelings. We read the story The Colour Monster and discussed the different feelings that we have. The children have been drawing things that make them happy, sad and scared. They have made their own colour monsters using junk modelling and have been learning to mix colours to make other colours.

In Phonics, we have learnt the sounds t, p, i and n. Please practise writing and saying the sound. Complete the sheets in their Phonics Book. We are also learning to read the tricky word a.

We have been using the sounds that we have learnt to read words with those sounds. e.g: tip, pin, it

In Maths, we have been learning about pairs, matching, sorting and comparing. The children have been developing their vocabulary and using a variety of resources to demonstrate their understanding.

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Class Act of Worship. The children prayed and sang beautifully. It has been great to watch their confidence grow to take part in our acts of worship.

In Religion, we have been learning about the Creation story. Today we thought about what we can do to look after our world. The children made posters to encourage people to recycle and pick up litter. We thought about walking or cycling to school. The children looked in the water tray to identify dangers for the animals who live in the water. We discussed about the effect our rubbish can have on animals.

On Friday, the children went to their first whole school assembly. They were excellent! Well done Reception.

If you child does not have wellies at school, please send them in.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Carey

Autumn Week 3

Our focus this week has been around the book Owl Babies. The children have been making their own owls, drawing a storyboard to retell the story and making nest from different resources. The children have been developing their cutting skills by cutting out pictures of owls to make puppets. This story is about a some owls missing their mums. The children can relate to this story as they have been brave starting school even though they miss their mums. The children have also been learning about owls. Our classroom looks colourful with the children’s learning n the walls.


In Phonics, the children have learnt the sounds s and a.  The children have learnt the sound, the rhyme and how to write the letter. We have been writing the letters in sand, glitter, foam, paint and writing them on paper. Please complete the sheets in their phonics books and continue to practise the letters at home on paper, with chalk , paint or writing the letter in the air to ensure your child can form the letters correctly.

In Religion, we learnt about the special book called the Bible where we read stories about God.  We listened to the Creation story and retold it with difference resources. The children made wonderful pictures to show what God created on each day.

Reminder – Act of Worship in Reception Class on 3rd October at 9.15pm

On the 9th October the class photo will be in the Welwyn Hatfield Times.

Children can bring fruit snacks only for break time.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Autumn 1 Week 2

Our first full week in Reception! You will have some very tired children this weekend. The children are learning the class routines well and beginning to remember some of their friend’s names.

This week, we have been learning to sit on the carpet and show good listening by looking at the person talking and taking turns to speak.

The children have been exploring the classroom by building with different resources, creating wonderful art pieces with paints and collage and demonstrating their cutting skills. The children have been dressing up and role-playing in the home corner.

Outside they have been exploring the playground, learning to climb safely on our equipment and learning to share the toys.

We have been talking about our families and who lives with us. We made a house with lollipop sticks and drew who we lived we.

On Friday, we learnt about how we are all different and unique and God love us all. The children had a go at writing their names and decorating them.

Each day, the children have been learning to make the sign of the cross. We use our right hand – head to heart, to left shoulder,  to right shoulder. Hands together. Please practise with your child at home.

The highlight of the week was meeting our reading partners. We will add photos next week. Every Friday, the Year 6 will read to their partner.

Thank you for those who have sent in family and baptism photos. If you have not, please send them in so the children can look at them on our wall.

Next week, the children will get a phonics book. Each night, please practise saying and writing the sound. Return the book every day so we can stick in the new sound. Children should bring in a bag every day so we can put their book in. Please remember to send in a water bottle with their name on.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs Carey

Welcome to Reception

Welcome to Reception! It was wonderful seeing you all for lunch this week. The children have settled in well and are beginning to learn the new routines.

The children have enjoyed playing outside on the bikes and in the water and sand. Inside, they have loved the home corner, drawing and playing with dinosaurs.

I have sent home the Lunch menu. Next week is Week 3. Please talk about the lunch options with your child so they know what they are having when we ask them.

I will add photos once data collection forms are in because We need permission before sharing photos on the blog.


  • Please label all clothes including coats, jackets, hats, gloves and bags.
  • Could you send in boxes of tissues please?
  • Children should have a labelled water bottle.
  • Please send in a book bag by Monday 23rd September when we will send home phonics books.
  • We give fruit out at break time but children can bring in a fruit snack in a labelled box if they prefer.
  • Water bottles and snacks to be out of the bag in the morning, ready to put in their box.
  • Please could you send in a pair of wellies with their name on (Please put them on the welly rack outside our class.)
  • Please send the following photos with the child’s name on the back.

             Photo of your child with their family.

            Photo of your child at Baptism (if you have one)

Reception Information Meeting – Wednesday 18th September at 2.45pm in the school hall.

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Summer 2 Week 7

Our last week in Reception! What a wonderful year full of fun and learning! Your children have been a pleasure to teach. It has been great to watch them all grow in confidence and they have all developed new skills. You have been amazing parents, supporting your children in their first year at school. They are all ready for Year 1!

On Wednesday, Mrs Wilson bought in some of her pets. We met Malcolm the Millipede, Billy the tortoise and some snails and a gecko. The children were very brave at holding some of them.


Thank you for the cards and gifts.

Have a wonderful holiday.


Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team

Summer 2 Week 6

This week we read the story Snail and the Whale.  The children made maps of the places the snail and the whale went to. We learnt about snails and the children wrote facts about them. The children made snails with playdough and decorated snails with dots.

The children have been decorating their mini beasts. They look wonderful!

On Wednesday, we had our Summer Fun Day! The children went on the bouncy castle, played with nerf guns, went on the go-karts, had cakes, got tattoos and played games. What a wonderful day!


On Friday, we made pizzas.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team

Summer 2 Week 5

Another busy week in Reception. It was lovely to see you at the Parent’s evenings this week.

This week our focus has been Ladybirds. We read the story The Bad Tempered Ladybird and the children wrote about what made them grouchy. They painted ladybirds and we added these to a class display. The children have been writing facts about ladybirds and making life cycles. The children have been making paper mache minibeasts. This week we painted them. We made watches to tell the time like in the story.

This week we had lot of excitement in our class when our caterpillar finally turned into beautiful butterflies. On Wednesday, we let the butterflies go.

In Maths, we have been ordering numbers to 20 and practising reading and writing numbers.

In Religion, we learnt the importance of oil. The Good Samaritan used oil to helped the injured man, the priest anoints sick people with oil, it is put on babies at Baptism and at Confirmation.

Lots of excitement in out class on Monday morning when our caterpillars transformed into butterflies. We have been observing the changes from a caterpillar to a chrysalis to a beautiful butterfly. On Friday, we let them go in our playground!

Next Week

We will be collecting reading books next week. Please practise their phonics and tricky words. We will collect reading books on your child’s reading day.

Monday– Watching Year 6 Play

Wednesday – Fun day!

Thursday – Transition Day


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey