Autmn 1 Week 7

In English this week, we completed our biographies and have begun to edit them. I was really impressed by the quality of their writing. In maths, we have been looking at decimal numbers and understanding the link between fractions and decimals. In science, we have been thinking about the movement of the moon. Year 5 learnt about the different phases of the moon and know that we are currently seeing a waning moon. Each evening, see if you can spot it the sky as we move towards the new moon in the half term. We also looked at the movement of the earth and discussed why we have seasons.

Our history learning combined with our RE this week as we discovered how Christianity came to England during the time of the Anglo Saxons. We evaluated the evidence explained reasons for its increases and decreases.

Next week is One World Week. We will be studying Brazil, and in particular the amazon. Home learning is to complete a task based on Brazil. It can be a poster, piece of art or a fact file. I look forward to seeing what the children make.