Year 6 – 25/01/19

By Sophia, Varun, Kate and Deya

Yesterday,  Bishop John Sherrington visited our school and answered some of our questions. He also presented the two Liturgy Leaders with a Papal blessing from Pope Francis, which Mrs Heymoz had requested because our patron saint Pope Paul was made St Paul VI in October and our school is the only school named after him.

One of the questions put to the Bishop Sherrington was, “Do you find anything hard to do as a bishop?”, to which he responded that there are many difficult things he encounters in his everyday life and the hardest thing is making decisions.

Another question was, “Have you travelled around the world because of your role?”. He answered that he went to Zimbabwe and Zambia where he was invited to participate in a project for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). He explained that CAFOD were trying to equip these places with a water pump on top of a hill. Also, he went to Brazil for World Youth Day.

In response to the question “What is it like to have a a calling from God?”, he said that all of us have a calling from God somewhere in our life, and responding to it can bring great joy to our life: this is what God has asked you to do for him; do it with pride. This means that when you feel God in your presence, you will feel joy.

“What Bishop John Sherrington said that inspired me was that we each have our own calling from the start and God has a plan for us. Our job is to find out what that plan is. These words moved my heart.”

“Bishop John Sherrington inspired me because he said that no mater what, at least one moment of your life, you will have a calling from God.”

In other news this week, we had a trip down to Darkes Lane to see where we could witness God’s presence in the everyday. It was lovely to see them recognising the Holy Spirit acting through other people and in the beauty of creation, especially on a snowy morning.

This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 29th January) is as follows:


·        KS2 SATs Grammar Test (C)

Spellings Adjectives from our current English unit (see below for word list) – spelling sentences to be written in pink Home Learning book.

Times tables

Questions to be completed in the yellow Home Learning book:

·        CGP Year 6 book p.11 (Written Division)

Continue to revise all times tables.

Reading Daily reading, with parent signature once a week.


Spelling list (to be tested Friday 1st February)

Adjectives from the Spiderwick’s Field Guide

malevolent benevolent
malicious vicious
devious immortal
mischievous nocturnal
ravenous deceiving
opportunistic lethal
menacing ominous