Here are Elle and Kian’s virtual hugs and descriptive writing.
Kate has been busy leaning origami, winning silver in the bean bag toss and writing about the leaves in her garden, while Hebe wrote about the blossom she saw on one of her daily walks.
Nathalie been writing about the trees and flowers in her garden and her dog Kaiser.
I hope you enjoy the sunshine with your family this weekend. Here is today’s learning.
Take care,
Miss Pringle
Pope Paul Olympics. |
Pope Paul Home Olympics – please open this link Home Olympics and complete today’s challenge 15.5.20.
Look back over the last two weeks and add up your medals to see where you and your family finished on the medal board! Let me know how you get on. You could even make yourself a medal and send me a photo! |
Spelling | Spelling test – put the short date in your writing book and the numbers 1- 10 in the margin then ask someone to test you on the words you have been practicing all week. Good luck.
Give yourself a percentage out of 100 just as we do in class. 10/10 = 100% 9/10 = 90 % |
Another reading skill we focus on in Y3 is sequencing.
Sequencing means ordering events and identifying the beginning, middle and end of a story. Read these cards and sequence them.
In your maths book ask someone to test you on the 3, 4 and 8 time tables. Remember to go up to x 12 facts. Good luck and don’t worry, you are still learning. |
English and digital photography
Day 5
Your photography and descriptive writing has been very creative this week – well done. Today I would like you to choose your favourite piece to edit, improve and publish in your best handwriting. If you have a blue handwriting pen please use it. Once completed please email it to me if possible and I will publish it on Monday’s blog. |