Week 3

What a busy week! It started with a letter from Mayor Trembull to say that a huge, ferocious bear had been seen near a cave on the beach. The children were asked to investigate this. They made their own cave explorer badges and they wrote a plan of what they would do if they saw the bear. The children made their own cave in the playground and kept checking the bear had not entered it. Then we went on a bear hunt and we found a bear in our cave! Luckily the bear is very good and he watches the children and tells me who has been working hard.


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In Maths, we have been looking how the number of objects stays the same even when we rearrange the pattern. The children have got very good at recognising the patterns of numbers on dice and dominos.

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In Science we did an investigation of taste. We tasted three different flavour crisps and guessed the flavours. The children loved tasting the crisps!IMG_0400 - Copy - Copy IMG_0401 IMG_0402 - Copy

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This week in Religion we have been focusing on the Eucharist. We acted out the Last supper and then the Eucharist.  There were lots of volunteers to be the priest!

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Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Carey