Year 5 – 01/12/23

Well done on your mad hair today, Year 5! I was very impressed with your creativity!

In Maths this week, we have been busy drawing factor bugs in order to find factor pairs and common factors. The children have really got the hang of it!

In English, we have been enjoying our current text, The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey, for which we have been describing characters, inferring their feelings and discussing different viewpoints. For Monday’s lessons, the children have been asked to bring in something from home which means a lot to them. Alternatively, you could send in a photograph of this item. Thanks in advance.

In Guided Reading, we started on the text The Highwayman, which we’re all really enjoying and curious to find out what happens next to Bess the landlord’s daughter!

In RE, the children have prepared their own Lectio Divina prayers, which we will pray as a class weekly in the new year.

In PE, we were practising how to dodge in netball, for which we got to take advantage of the beautifully sunny winter weather!

Half the class were out on Wednesday afternoon singing for the elderly at the Baptist Church on Barnet Road; the rest of the children joined forces with Year 6 and played team building and problem solving games.

We have also been at the church practising for next week’s Advent Service. It’s sounding beautiful, so this week’s home learning is to learn your words (which can be found here) and the song lyrics off by heart (which can be found here).

On Monday, we have our school trip to the British Library. We will be walking to Potters Bar station and then from KGX to the British Library, so please make sure you’re wrapped up warm and have waterproofs in case of rain. It’s set to be an exciting day with really engaging and interactive workshops.

Have a lovely weekend; see you on Monday.

Miss D ❄️