Year 3 Week 7 Friday 18th October
This week the children showed a respectful and prayerfulness atmosphere when they participated in a meditation. They focused on the nature of our world and where they feel they can find and feel God.
The children worked hard in their end of unit quiz and began to explore their new unit on addition and subtraction. They started with revising their number bonds to ten and seeking links to number bonds to 100 before recapping on methods to add and subtract single ones in three-digit numbers.
The children explored their Fantastic Mr. Fox unit further by selecting appropriate vocabulary to describe him and began to use a range of conjunctions to join their sentences. They applied their fantastic descriptive language when constructed wanted posters.
This week the children got out their muscles! They enjoyed flexing and using the scientific language to explain what happens to muscles and why they are needed. They then looked at diet and nutrition and how this is needed to support and strengthen them.
- Please book parent consultations for Tuesday 22nd October or Thursday 24th October
- Reading books to be in school every day please.
Fri 15th Nov 9.15am Year 3 Class Assembly
All are welcome to come!
We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,
Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
Mon, Tu & Wed Th & Fr
Reading: Expectation is to read with your child for 20 mins a day and comment in the logbook.
Spellings: Edshed activity has been set ‘ture’
Maths: Mathletics activities set are compare to 100’
*Additional* Please may you bring in a family/ child photo and a brief description of where your family come from and what the culture is like there? We are trying to build up a world map of where our class comes from.
Thank you for those that have already come in!